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Sunday is rest day. Everyone knows that. Everyone except the gladers. They always find things to do. Why? I dont know. I've always lived normally in the outside world. " Hey Minho, ever heard about this thing called resting? " I say when he passes by me " y'know you don't have to do that right now. Why don't you take some rest? "

" well uhm... I'm just not used to it. Back in the glade, we worked our asses of all day and only rested at night " " You're not in the glade anymore. You work 7 days a week, you deserve some rest. Sunday is rest day. C'mon, I need some company "

I pat the ground & he sits beside me & I give him an apple.

" thanks " he says & takes a bite

" Thomas and Brenda seem to be getting along much better than when we arrived here in Paradise " " yeah.. " " you should tell the other gladers to take it easy too. You guys work too much "

" what's wrong with that? "

" well, you dont get to have fun or even take a rest "

" we take rests too. You just dont see it. We just work more than we rest. It's better than doing nothing & getting lazy. Look at you, you're a couch potato, you do nothing but read all day, you have belly rolls. Look at me, I'm fit & healthy "

" hey, you were running a maze every single day for 3 years! "

" so?? "

" look all I'm saying is, all work and no play isn't fun. You always make yourself busy, you need to take a rest and unwind to release the stress & keep your mind off things "

" I keep myself busy to keep my mind off things. To keep myself from..*sigh* nevermind "

" from what? Tell me "

" he bothers me every night when I sleep. And my only escape is during the day, when I'm doing lots of things "

" who? " " Newt.." he croaked

I could tell he was trying hard not to cry. He's always had this sassy strong badass image and this is the first time I see him like this.

" it's okay. You dont have to pretend around me " I said as I hugged him

He wrapped his arms around me & I feel his heavy breathing.

" I try not to miss him too much... but.. I can't. Why can't I do it? " " Minho we need your help. Cranks are trying to break through the south boundary " - Thomas

" y/n stay here " he immediately stood up

" no, I'm coming with you " I also stand up

" no, you wont be of much help. Just leave it to us " - minho

" yeah y/n, it's better if you just stay here " - thomas

So they left & went to see the commotion at the south boundary. But being the curious girl that I am, I secretly followed them.

" let's just throw a bomb at them, that way we dont waste ammo " - Harriet

" but what if Newt's out there with them?! I can't let him die with them " - Minho

" he's not with them Minho " - Thomas

" how do you know? Have you climbed up the watch tower? " - Minho

" No. I just know he's not there " - Thomas

" No. I'm climbing up the tower and until I come down from it no one's allowed to do anything " - Minho

" we're wasting time! " - harriet

" let him do it " – thomas

So he climbs up & comes back down after a minute & he agrees w/ harriet's plan. After killing all the cranks he separates thomas from the group.

" do you have anything you wanna tell me? " - minho

" about what? " - thomas

" don't play dumb with me shuckface " - he grabs thomas' collar " I know you're hiding something "

" I'm not " - thomas

He throws him to the ground & yells " screw you thomas! TELL ME! TELL ME WHAT YOU'RE HIDING! "

" ALRIGHT! FINE! YOU WANT THE TRUTH?! I'LL GIVE YOU THE TRUTH. THE TRUTH IS I KILLED NEWT! ALRIGHT? I KILLED HIM. I did it because he asked me to, he begged me to do it. "

Minho's knees weakened & he knelt to the ground. " I'm sorry " thomas cried " I didn't want to do it but it was his last wish "

His back was facing me so I couldn't see his face but I knew he was crying. Thomas crawled near him & hugged him.

" He's so unfair. He didn't even give the chance to say the things I should've told him. "

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