Feelings Jam in the Blanket Pile

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The next morning Karkat was gone- well, at least he wasn't with me. I pulled myself from the slime and grabbed a towel. I don't wanna life today! I was in one of my grumpy moods and there was only one person that could cheer me up. It's time me and Dave had a feelings jam. After my shower I pulled on some clothes and rushed down the stairs. Gamzee and Karkat lay sprawled out in the horn pile. Guess I wasn't the only one that needed a feelings jam today. I stood over Gamzee until he noticed my presence.

"Sup, lil' mama?"

"I'm chillin with Dave-bro today. I need a motherfucking feelings jam."


"Bye, fuckass." Karkat called.

"Idiot." I stated without turning around.

I walked to Dave's hive-house-thing and let myself in.

"Bro" I yelled.

"Day." Dave stated plainly.

"Get the blankets, it's time for a feelings jam."

"Why is sis grumpy?" Dave asked throwing pillows and blankets in a messy pile.

"I cheated on my kismesis with my pale-mate, then I made black to my kismesis and not once have we argued about my fucking retarded as fuck actions. After we made black we went all red and I don't know whether to feel black or red anymore." I growled.

"Come snuggle with the Strider." Dave said pulling me down on top of the blankets.

Dave and I lay there for hours just talking about shit and by the time we got all our feels out the sun was coming up.

"Guess you gotta stay the night- er morning? Whatever! You can't fucking go in the sun." Dave huffed.

"Did the great Dave Strider just loose his cool?" I asked in fake shock.

"Shut up and go to sleep, Day." Dave hissed.

"But I'm not tired."

"Then how about you let old Strider school you in some classic video games?"

"If by 'school' you mean getting your ass handed to you twice- then sure."

"Don't get cocky, Day."

"At least I have one, Strider."


"Lawl, just kidding. Hey, where's Dirk?"

"Don't say his name, he's everywhere."

I just gave Dave "the look".

"Do we need to restart this feelings jam? Because I am sensing some hostility towards bro."

"That's because he acts like a fucking parent like dude you're my bro so be a fucking bro. And I am so sick and tired of eating fucking pizza every night- I like other food too!"

"Dave, he doesn't know what else to do. You're his only brother and he just wants to take care of you, but neither one of you assholes knows how to communicate."

Dave and I completely forgot about the video game and restarted our feelings jam. Once Dave got Dirk out of his system we just lay quietly. I snuggled into Dave's side and before I knew it we had both fallen asleep. 

P.s. I HATE YOUWhere stories live. Discover now