Warm Hearted

326 21 14

Soobin was listening intently to Huening Kai's endless lecture. He was upset that Soobin had suddenly disappeared without his knowledge last night. Fortunately, he and his brothers had taken care of the crazy vampires and managed to escape the police.

"Tsk, you're foaming at the mouth." Kai sarcastically slumped back in his chair. He was getting tired. His jaw seemed to be cramping from babbling too much. Soobin didn't take it seriously. He just chuckled.

Yesterday evening, they were sitting relaxing while sipping warm drinks in the garden with two people who came from the settlement. They wanted to try their luck in the city, so, since Soobin and Kai already had experience they sought out these two young men for advice. As they were chatting, Soobin's feelings turned sour. He repeatedly sharpened his sense of smell. And without warning, he quickly ran off and left them behind. The suspicious Kai asked his two brothers to wait there, while he chased Soobin.

Unexpectedly, Soobin's hunch was right. A cafe was being targeted by a group of humans and vampires. He immediately changed his form followed by Kai, and soon after the other two brothers followed.

For the first time, they had to deal with hybrid vampires, which were a breed resulting from interbreeding between ordinary vampires and pureblood vampires or so-called conglomerates. Fortunately, the werewolves were quite resilient, though it was a bit time-consuming to deal with their outnumbered opponents. Four humans and eight hybrid vampires. In addition, some of the vampires had excellent fighting skills.

Soobin who had just subdued his third vampire, suddenly his attention was drawn to the figure we know to be Yeonjun. He thought that he had taken part in this attack. The two were involved in a chase and had a fierce fight before finally... you guys still remember right?

Soobin bit his lower lip, trying to remember the taste of Yeonjun. The vampire he had seduced last night. He honestly had no intention of doing that. It was beyond his control. But he didn't regret his actions at all. What piqued his curiosity, even more, was that the vampire known as Yeonjun had a peculiarity that he found quite absurd.


Yeonjun looked down at his new novel. It was a little damaged. He let out a long sigh. The young man carefully unfolded the pages again and continued his story.

His position changed, sometimes lying down, sometimes cross-legged. It seemed like he was really pulled into the story of the novel. Before he knew it, he had finished the last sheet.

He put the book on a special shelf. Walked casually out of his room and down the stairs. He accidentally found his mum and dad making love in the living room. He chuckled a little. It was a bit embarrassing to catch his own parents while they were busy in their own world.

Not wanting to intrude, he darted slowly towards the kitchen to get his favourite fruits from the refrigerator. He decided to take his food with him, to the yard that bordered the place where he used to hunt. There was a tree house that had been his favourite spot since childhood. With a slight hum, he happily devoured the fruits.

Suddenly, his sense of smell was somewhat disturbed. He sensed the presence of a human in his area.

"Who? What's he doing here?"

Yeonjun was curious. The man seemed to be having a serious conversation with his dad. His mum wasn't there. He sharpened his hearing to eavesdrop. After hearing everything, he squinted his eyes in disbelief. Why was his dad involved in a business like this?

"Mr. Choi, just leave everything to me. Everything will go according to plan." Said the human surnamed Kim.

After that, he excused himself and sped off in his expensive car. Yeonjun flared up in anger, he didn't like this fact. Why did his father have to hurt humans?

You Are The Only Exception ; SOOJUN [BL] [ENG] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now