Chapter 01 : Into the 'Withering Roses"

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It's pouring like crazy.
I tighten my grip on the umbrella,as I  revise and reorganize my thoughts and heave a sigh.

earlier today my boss had ordered me to start the files for this new project afresh. It took me two weeks. TWO WHOLE WEEKS to finally drag myself to the end with all the sleepless night and skipped meals. All he did was skim the first few pages and toss it into the bin like it valued nothing.

I feel like letting my rage loose on him. I picture myself using my boss  as my personal punching bag. how fulfilling must that feel, Just the thought fills myself with an unparalleled bliss.

But reality pulls me back in.
I force my gaze up at the cloudy sky, almost in a trance. my life..... I thought maybe I can experience true freedom for once. I moved out of my parents place and landed a job, however........

I feel caged right now more than ever. I think everything I'm doing right now is somewhat of a forced necessity.

"Freedom" I sigh looking at the mass of grey above me. tired I focus ahead as I took light splashing steps against the pavement to cross the road. I trudge forward lost in thought, Out of a sudden a scream started out, escalating into an uproar followed closely by the screeching of tyres.

a little late my mind registers the situation and realization hits me. . . .
they're screaming for me.
"Get out of the way!!".
the car skids and drifts closer, I just stare at it. my body frozen in place unable to move as the time around me slows down.
In a matter of moments the car hits me. Adrenaline reducing the excruciating pain.
my body falls to the floor, vision a blur as I lay in a fetal position on the cold hard ground. rain dripping all around and over me.
My body is unusually cold. and its getting colder.

My limbs feel like lead. And my eyelids are becoming heavier.
"Call an Ambulance!".
"Hello?someone got hit by a Car! please send help!".
"How did this happen?!".
"The slippery roads might've played a part!".

So tired. I'll just nap for a few seconds then I have to finish the project file. and with that the Ranting of the crowd became distant as I gave in to my rising exhaustion. The voices blurred almost as if we were separated by a wall that was growing, enlarging the distance between us.
How weird... I opened my eyes into an endless void of black. "Am I dead?". muttering to myself I look around for any sign of existence.

That's when I feel it. I crouch down as a fierce pain pulsates through my body. Unable to hold back I scream.

That's when I wake up with a start. i try to catch my heavy breathing. only when I've calmed down, do I take into notice my very unfamiliar surroundings. A very cozy bed with soft sheets the comfort of which I had never experienced. A vast room with minimal furniture. Vintage.

VINTAGE the first word that came to mind. Victorian era. Where am I?

I look around for any familiarity to no avail. I suddenly recall the accident but this isn't a hospital. I stare around dumbfounded. .
What Is this place?
Where's my phone?
My Phone! I can contact Desaray!. .
as I hastily search around for my phone the door to the room swings open, Revealing a woman in maid's attire. Her Gestures were cold and distant.

Sauntering into the room she coldly addresses me
"Lady Jessica please wash up". Wait. . . . who is she?
And.  ... why did she call me Jessica.
"I'm sorry but I'm not Jessica. I'm Kim-Yeona. What is this place?".
Her face doesn't shift expressions as she coldly looks down on me. Not to lie her demeanor did make me falter.

"Please stop messing around my lady. it's not befitting of your status".

"No, you misunderstood me for someone else. . . " she doesn't let me continue before harshly cutting in.
"I suggest you get up and freshen we don't have all day".
Wait. . . . What did she call me? Jessica Earnhardt?
NO WAY!!!!!! it can't be!
I hurriedly stumble out of the bed and dash towards the mirror in the room.
there's no absolute way. The woman staring back at me wasn't me. Luscious blonde hair that looked like carefully woven Gold thread and Fresh green eyes.

The reflection was a perfect match to the description of the Villainess in the novel "Withering Roses".


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