chapter07: the snake of the Earnhardt's

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After the ball I couldn't get the woman out of my head, what angered me more was how I found her somewhat amusing.

The snake of the Earnhardt's? That vile woman? I hate myself for thinking positively of her, heck even thinking of her at all.

I'm sitting in the office, head buried in my palms as papers cover almost all of the table, I lean myself back against the chair and face towards the ceiling. I recall all the things that woman has done. Abuse children and animals, slapped her Maids if something wasn't to her liking. Torment her siblings day and night, display jealousy towards other women, trample the weak and the list goes on and on....

I can't help comparing the woman I met the other day with the one people talk about. Was that really her? Or was that just a face to get my attention? I've heard rumors of that womans obsession with men. Once she finds someone appealing she will do anything she can to get them.

Altough I hadn't seen the woman myself before, I was sometimes as the Leader of the Northern knights given to solve ridiculous cases and more often than I'd preferred had come across a crying maid or two and rumors amongst knights and whonot.

I can't find it within myself to view that woman any other way. It'd be like saying everyone is lying. My knights, the nobles, her adoptive family and the commoners.

My thoughts are interrupted by a lound knock against the door.
"Come in!". I announce before The head butler saunters a few steps into the room. He looks me over before lowering his head.

"The Duchess awaits for you in her study". He meetsy eyes. "She expects to see you at once....."

He's studying my reaction, my mother and I have had a rocky relationship to say the least and my father's passing didn't help.

She wants me to settle down and have a family with a woman of noble status. She seriously disagrees with  Amelia.

More than anything, The name Windsor holds grace and power, shed hate the idea of anything that could possibly tarnish it's reputation. Since the other nobles were unsure of marrying off their daughter to a crumbling household she could only get her hands on the Earnhardt's Adopted child. The only woman in the kingdom no house desires.

A powerless duke and the wild snake of the Earnhardt's, they must laugh at how the match was perfectly made.

I grit at the thought of that woman.

"I'll be there". I wave off the butler before sinking back into my chair and heaving tired sighs. finally having gathered enough energy, I make  way towards the study.

She sits behind her table, glaring at some papers from behind the glasses. Busy as she was she doesn't notice myself enter.

Clearing my throat, I draw her attention. Finally taking a note of me,her black eyes meet mine as she tucks a loose strand of her black locks behind her ear.  She beckons me towards her and I take a seat across from her, the table separating the two of us.

"The wedding has been settled a month from now". She mutters, clearly exhaustion ruling her face.

"WHAT?!". My eyes frantically search to find hers but she evades my gaze.

"The arrangements have to be made hastily". She continues, however it feels as if we're done talking.

"What do you mean next month?!". But my question goes unanswered.

"That's all id like to inform you, since it's your wedding. Please see yourself out, I'm a bit occupied".

"YOU CANT JUST EVADE MY QUESTIONS MOTHER!". the last word comes out sarcastically. But she doesn't reply, hardly even graces me with a look.

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