Chapter 08: A helpless maiden

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I wake up to banging on my door, someone must be trying to break the thing down. Squinting against the light pouring in through the window, I get up at lazy pace, yawning and stretching before swinging the damn thing open.

There stands The maid, fuming, her eyes blood shot as she stares into my soul.  A shiver crawls through me and I'm overcome with dread. Feeling the unease as my senses become hyper aware. She strides inside slamming the door behind her. I could swear there's smoke coming out her ears.

Before words could be exchanged. A stinging pain grows on my left cheek, It makes me loose my balance as I stumble backwards and land on the floor. There's this loud ringing pushing back the screaming maid. Everything hours and it's as if it's in slow motion. My blood is burning in my body as I register what had just taken place. I trace my fingers where I had been slapped. The initial shock had now seeped into rage.

I ball my fingers into a fist on the floor, hoisting myself up. 

"Are you done fu@$ing around?!". Met with silence her voice goes up a notch, sounding more desperate. "The crown Prince and then The duke?! You really have no shame do you?!".

I sigh, calming myself, speaking in a more unreadable tone. "Who sent you?".

I see her stiffen in place, not knowing what to say further before she takes a step back. She's hesitating against the cold attitude that has leaked past my weak attempt of maintaining a poker face.

"Wh_what?". She stutters. , eyes agape from either surprise or realization.

I slowly pull myself up from the floor, dusting off my dress before meeting her eyes on the same level.

"Are you deaf?". I Question, My eyes locked on her as my voice comes through , more demanding and cold. "What do you take me for? I'm well aware you were absent on the Banquet so someone must've put words into your filthy mouth..... so? who is it?".

She visibly shudders, clasping her hands against her chest, before retreating and having pressed up against the door. Trapped.

"I--Its....,....". she mumbles, clearly fumbling for words.

I raise an eyebrow towards her and cross my arms.

The intensity of the scene is interrupted by a knock at the door. I groan, as my entertainment is halted. I don't care to an extent how my outburst may lead to negative outcomes and pose as obstacles in my plan. I can't help lashing out every now and then, when necessary.

"My lady, The family awaits you at the breakfast table!". It's the butler.
"I'll be right outside!". I yell back. I turn towards The woman before me. "You, leave!". noo sooner had the words left my mouth, she scurries away, swinging the door open. Surprised the old man stares at me raising a brow and I just shrug in response. He's the only one who isn't in bullying me, simply put he doesn't care 'Give or take'.

"Please get dressed". He steps away stopping a moment to look me up and down. before cotinuing walking. I sigh. If that piece of work has a brain in there she won't speak of my actions. Everyone will assume she's mad for thinking the low life of the Earnhardt's can stand up for her self after being tossed around like a rag doll for so long.

I sigh as I uncross my arms and trudge towards the Closet at the other end. I throw on the first thing I can see which so happens to be a Brown ankle length dress, it's hem was laced as embroidered branches and leaves of gold sprouted from it, spreading as they climbs towards the bodice into a gorgeous forest of gold.

I pull my hair into a ponytail, before walking out and into the dining room. I take deep, long breaths before barging into the room where the Earnhardt's sit around the table, already eating. They don't acknowledge my presence except for Sylvia who's glaring daggers at me. Her eyes, a deep pool of malice, the bottom to which cannot be seen. Ignoring her I sit a seat away from the countess, across from a smirking victor. Again, he's onto something. Most probably something childish. As I grab my cutlery, cutting toast and egg into bite size pieces and chewing onto them. The count is the one to break the silence, as always.
"Jessica". He addresses, his voice chillingly sweet. His fake kindness wasn't the issue, it was the fact that we werent in a public gathering where he had to play the role of a doting uncle. There must be something he so desperately wants.

"Yes uncle?". I reply, a flat tone as I continue to halfheartedly chew onto my breakfast and not spare him a glance.

"Your marriage has been arranged". I put aosde my fork, looking up to meet his eyes. They're laced with lust, greed and hunger. I was aware this will happen sooner than later. As soon as he got the duchess, Nathan's mom to agree, he would set up the earliest date possible.

Not caring, he only continues to babble. "It's two weeks from now". I humn a lousy answer before continuing to eat, trying my hardest not to show any reaction. He's too deep in his merry celebrations, he doesn't seem the least bit offended by my so called 'insolence'.

We continue to chew in silence, not bothering with each other.
After breakfast as I make my way out I face Sylvia who stands barricading my room from me. I raise my brow towards her crossing my arms. She seems enraged, her lips pursed together as her eyes maliciously drill holes into me.

Not sure of she will ever talk I try to push her aside and access my room but she hold her footing firmly.

"Tell me" she asks "What kind of spell did you enchant two of the most fawned men in the empire with? Are you so desperate for attention? What did you do to make them notice your speck of an existence?". Is that jealousy I sense? But I dare not spout it to her face.

"I don't know what you're talking about". My reply seems to tick her off further and the nonchalant expression adding fuel to the fire. I can practically see the being bulging from her forehead.

"You shameless and ungrateful Wench!". She screams atop her lungs, I just roll my eyes at her. "I understand father arranged the marriage with Nathan but the Crown Prince too!?".

Nathan? Is she so casual with him already? I wonder what kind of nonsense she poisoned his ears with.

"Step aside. I don't have time for this". This time I shove her aside and step into my room. I shut the door in her face as she screams from the other side. I wish things would've ended there but sadly and to my utter disbelief Sylvia had taken a different approach. Her motivation to make my life hell had rekindled with a much stronger impelation than ever before.

Peace was never granted to me. Everywhere I went I was subjected to her petty schemes directly or through other people under her palms. From being deprived of basic necessities, meals and getting drenched in filthy water she crossed everything on the list of 'How to make someone regret living'.

And the fact that the Prince and Queen made sure to send a personal messenger that wouldn't hand over the letter to anyone in the household but me didn't help in the least. In the thick of the hellish household I got to know more about the Prince and Villainess' relationship and develop a deeper bond with him.

My trust in him grew more and more until I started to feel a friendly affection towards the man. I finally felt like I had a shoulder to lean on. Even if it was just for show, it was relieving to know that there was a light at the end of the tunnel, a shoulder to lean on and someone who would back me up.

The wedding preparations were made in a haste. By the end of the month the dress was bought, jewelry was ordered, venue was decorated, dowry was arranged and  food was listed. Soon, the wedding day was just a few hours away....

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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