Chapter 05: A Lady's first dance

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The shout almost forced me to spit out the champagne I had been so lazily sipping on.
The scattered groups of people melt into a single Crowd of bantering nobles, those awaiting to see the rumored duke 'The war hero'. My curiosity rises as well but not enough to push myself forward. Unbothered I waited, knowing that I'd see him eventually anyway.
A few minutes had gone by of this overwhelming sight that the door to the terrace makes way for the King, Queen, His royal Highness the Crown prince and the young princess.

Whatever they were doing, everything had reached a halting point as all the heads below the royals had dipped into a graceful and respecting gesture.

"You may all Rise". A hoarse and frail voice resounds in the now deafeningly hushed chamber. standing still, facing upwards I can finally admire the beauty of these characters in the flesh and not some words of ink on a piece of paper.

The silence prevailed as the people gazed up at the king, who stood there addressing his present subjects.

"My followers, This joyous banquet was called in celebration of the triumphant success that the Duke of Windsor has brought with the Grace that the goddess has bestowed upon us". He paused as his eyes surveyed the room before continuing. "Please proceed to the podium Duke Nathan von Windsor".

As the attendees waited for him to step forward. The banquet that was quiet not so long ago was consumed in whispers and hushed tones. People parted to make way for the esteemed guest of the evening, the centre of the spotlight.

My eyes widen as the crowd disperses and I can finally see the true cause of the rising commotion. His death black hair flutter majestically under the flickering warm light of the crystal chandeliers hanging above. The cloak of his Black and golden outfit flutters, forming swirls as he walks leaving dust in his way. when his cloak tugs at his broad shoulders, It uncovers the sword strapped around his hips, reflecting sharply at certain angles.

I find myself swooning slightly by the sight before me. I'll get married to that guy? I found myself wondering and realize I've been gawking. His frosty eyes find mine from afar and I'm glued to my spot.

Something in his gaze gives me the terrible chills. His eyes seemed cold, if not distant. Was it just my mind playing tricks on me? He doesn't even know me on a personal level hence he can't possibly be knowledgeable of the fact that I'm to be his betrothed.

But those eyes seemed farthest from kind and gentle.

I stand there pinned in place for quite some time, entranced, as the duke finally stands before the King.
He gets down on one knee, his head sunken before his Leader, before true authority.
"I shall now be witness before the goddess Hestia of your selfless accomplishments young Duke". his face wrinkles into a smile, His white mustache masks that pretty well. "You have proven yourself worthy, Hence I return to you what's rightfully yours. Your title, Your mansion and your land".

"Thank you, Your Benevolence". He replies, His voice is deep and enchanting. music in the air as it echoes across the hall of fawning ladies and jealous noble men clicking their tongues in distaste or more accurately jealousy.

"This joyous Celebration across the capital had been called for You. Therefore, tonight you shall feast upon the finest of delicacies to your hearts content. Drink wine of the most splendiferous quality any man could ever desire. And lastly, bestow upon the exceptional lady her first dance".

"I'm humbled by the efforts, Your Graciousness". He bows once more, just as he's about to leave, The King's voice stops him in his tracks.

"Might I suggest a suitor, Child?".
Here it comes. I bite down on my lip unknowingly as the thought courses through my head. As a duke just granted his rights back, he can't possibly be standing in a position to refuse the seemingly kind gesture but he, I and the Earnhardts are sorely aware this is all a set up to Keep the Duke of the north in Check.
To assure that the power remains within the King's faction, to cut out all roots to a possible rebellion by draining all power and cornering all those backing up the Queens political party.

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