06: A Profitable contract

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Nerves grow cold in my body as my limbs stiffen. His hand is gripping mine firmly as he guides me to the dance floor, an emotionless statue of ice he seems.

I try to assure that my smile doesn't falter as his hand locks onto my waist while the other holds my hand securely.

Somehow his touch feels hostile And I shudder, squirming uncomfortably under his fierce gaze. Cold sweat tickles my back and I feel my breath unsteady. lungs find it hard to fill in enough air to work my thinking properly. Why?

No, I shake my head, regaining focus once again. I can't let all those preparations go to waste, not when I'm so close to executing my first step. to gain freedom from the binding shackles of the original story. I must try.

I lean towards the muscle memory of The original villainess for the dance, hoping I can perform atleast the bare minimum. His eyes. Despite not looking up, I can feel them burning holes into my skull.
He matches the Beat of the music to the rythm in his body. His steps are unyielding, not caring if I can follow. He's making all possible efforts to show me how much he loathes me.

I muster up enough courage to finally look up at him. His eyes sharp as a blade cutting through my hopes one by one. I force out the best smile anyone could in a situation so daunting but his expression doesn't seem to shift in the slightest.

"I'm Jessica Earnhardt Your Grace". I follow his steps with best efforts and try to match his pace, finding it a bit hard to do so. He stares at me for a while before his lips part.

"I don't care for your existence Young lady of the Earnhardt's".

Ouch! He could've at least sugarcoated his malice a little. Brazenly curt, are we?

I continue the smile with gritted teeth. Before I could speak, he continues.

"I already have someone I wish to court". I remain silent, focused onto every single one of his words with held breaths. That's right, he's already fallen for the female lead. I'm the thorn in his path to love. A boulder he must crumble until nothing remains but dust.

The people around us blur until it's just me and him. His silky voice, draining all the strength from within my body. The warm light from the chandelier reflects against his enchanting features, As his body sways to the perfectly aligned beats of the instruments.

"I see....". I look away, to him I might seem sad, heartbroken even. little does he know I look away to hide the smile that had unwillingly ruled itself on my lips. Perfect! that crosses the possibility of ever falling in love with each other. Now our relationship could solely be a piece of paper, nothing more.

"I'd like to converse with you in a place more appropriate". I look deep into his icy glare. Despite his eyes cutting through me I manage to Keep my chin raised, facing him head on. I realize the music slow down before finally coming to a halt. The people bow to their respective partners before either scattering off or preparing to sway with the next song. The Clanking of cutlery and muttering of people fills the air, Slightly blurring away the tunes the band played.

"Alright". He stops and gives a half hearted bow. "Follow me".
His demeanor is still yet distant but seems to have relaxed ever so slightly.

I follow him, uncertainty fills me as I'm overcome with the heat rising within my chest. I bite down on my bottom lip as I stare at his broad back. the way his muscles shift with every movement.
Our shoes echo against the empty walls of the hallways, A cold air crosses by one of the windows, sending a tingling sensation across my face. He stops before a door, eyes facing straight ahead and hand clenched tightly around the glittering door knob. He's contemplating, Maybe even having second thoughts whether this is the wise thing to do.

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