Chapter02: Earnhardt's As*holes

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Is it possible?
Can it be?
I wonder as I trace those beautiful and slender fingers across the so familiar yet unfamiliar face of mine, staring as though expecting my reflection to do something unexpected.

I've read stories and tall tales of reincarnations in the Isekai genre but they always bored me to death with the same repetitive plot, seriously rude male leads and the misunderstood villainess.
"YOUR GRACE!". I flinch as I'm brought back to my senses by the oh so rude lady in the room.
She maintains the cold attitude however she seems a bit agitated now.


I don't have time to contemplate and evaluate my situation. let's get this over with.

"My Apologies". I mutter. "I shall be ready at once".

"Good". she replies seemingly satisfied with my answer. "And head down for breakfast. the Count and countess await you arrival".
saying that she nonchalantly makes her way out.

As I freshened up with the minimal things that were given. it barely looked like what I imagined the house, more specifically a room of a noble lady to be.

I scavenge my memories for the contents of a book I read years prior. "Withering Roses". I try recalling. How did the plot progress?

I open the closet and am Shocked by how unorganized it is. Aside from that the clothes look severely worn out and outdated.
However remembering the maid from earlier I shudder and silently pick out a blue ball gown adorned with pastel pink ribbons that would go well with The Villainess' palette.
I brush my hair into a simple braid and top it off with a matching pink ribbon. I guess she's one noble lady who does her own work.
I saunter my way down knowing the place like the back of my hand. I'm surprised by the memories in my head that I don't recall ever happening to me as Kim Ayeong.
Are they Jessica's memories? with the merging of souls our minds became one as well?

As I ponder I find myself facing a huge wooden door with a carefully carved intricate design. But what stood out of the design was the falcon. A falcon was carved into the middle where both the doors met into a continuity.
A sigil? I question myself.
Oh yeah! I remember the book briefly mentioned amidst the love politics that the Villainess' family wasn't very rich but it was of historic importance.
Although now hanging to only their title but the house Earnhardt was one of the houses that was given a noble title when witnessing the formation of the Empire by the first emperor.
I glare at the door. scrunching my nose in disgust. And to restore their Monetary Honor they sold off their Niece, the one who was entrusted to the count and countess by the Countess' late sister when they passed.
They adopted her into the family tree from the very start to use her in this way. The last hope of a crumbling name.

And she was treated like trash before being engaged then married to the war hero, Nathan von Windsor.

About The male lead and War hero Nathan.

he received a noble title of Duke when he was 18 with the passing of his father. when the Emperor heard of his heroism on the field he was granted the position of the Emperor's Personal Guard and the head of the Imperial knight age.
A well accomplished man, who started like the Earnhardt's as a discarded duke's son. with not so much wealth as name.

my thoughts are interrupted by a bold shout from the left. "Get out of the way Scum!".
I turn my head around to witness the source. A man with brown hair and similar eyes marching towards me, his face was contorted in disgust and he was accompanied by a young lady, the female version of the man. she looked to be about the same age as me.

It's them! I sigh in my mind.

the young lord and lady of the Earnhardt's. sylvia and Victor Earnhardt. The true assholes of the book.

He approaches and shoves me aside harshly enough that I trip and land on the floor.

"Dear lord, Victor you act like such a child sometimes". Sylvia comments nonchalantly. But I know, she's actually far worse than the dumb and shallow victor. She's a manipulative freak. once she sets herself to get something, no force in the world can stand in between her achieving it. by hook or by crook.

She's the one that created that Villainous image of the stupid Jessica who didn't attend social events. She would complain about the villainess and make it so the people envisioned Jessica as the ungrateful child of a generous family who adopted and gave her a home.

Even after her marriage Sylvia had planted spies in the house of Windsor duchy and would constantly create problems for her. Both that and The desperate attempts of The poor villainess to receive love from her husband who had gifted his loyalties to someone else had led her to walk the path to her unfortunate and untimely death.

.....I guess my memories aren't that rusty afterall....

I glare back at the two of them. I'm not the same Jessica who would take their shit without complain.
I get up and dust off my dress. I have to act wise and avoid unnecessary provocation while planning a clean escape.

They make their way into the dining hall and I follow.
I'm immediately met with hateful stares from all present.

Ignorance is the key here I suppose. Finding my place I settle down onto the chair. I wonder why I'm here. These people wouldn't ever call Jessica to eat with them as a happy family.
The first person to break the silence is The count himself.

"Jessica dear,". he addresses. Chills crawl on my back as I turn to face him, what's with his tone? he was never described as a doting father, not once in the hundreds of pages in the book.

"Yes, your grace". I answer, mimicking a flat tone.

"You know we wouldn't make a decision which isn't for the good of you right?".

"Yes, your grace". Like hell!!! not once have you thought of me as a person much less a daughter! He's worse than my boss was.

I gulp under the pressure of the judgemental, hateful and mocking eyes. my mind is racing miles, rummaging for what is to come.

"I'm glad to hear that". he's smiling but his eyes tell a different tale. "We've arranged your engagement With the house of Windsor".

That's it..... that's all it took for every noise in the house to drop to a dead silence.

IT CANT BE! I thought I had more time.
What am I to do?
What can I do?
.......... End of Chapter 02..........

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