Chapter 04: The duke of Windsor

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My eyes flutter open to the sun's light crawling in through the huge glass window. I sit up in my bed on the unfortunate morning of the ball. While Grumbling obscenities, my morning routine is done at a sloths pace. The cursed unwillingness tugging onto my every step.
The rest of the day goes by with as much normality as possible, with a serving of the usual and no longer surprising mockery and insults, taunting and discrimination.
The maids followed Sylvia for her long schedule of getting prepped up for the evening and I'm left alone to my lonesome. I guess I shouldn't even be angered at their pathetic attempts of degradation, it actually feels kinda childish now.
I sigh as I crawl my way into the emerald green gown that I had previously restitched. A light makeup and jewelry shall suffice with a half updo of these wavy gold strands. Having gotten ready, I examine myself in a mirror. nothing short of impressive. The villainess really is resplendent beyond belief, I force my awestruck self, practically dragging my feet against the pavement as my heels tapped and echoed against the floors of the now empty halls.
The Earnhardt's are getting into the carriage when I lazily make my way to them.
"I'm ready, Count Earnhardt".
I call out. to which they turn around. I witness with pleasure as their jaws drop and their eyes widened in disbelief.

"You used to call me Uncle, I wonder what changed". his questions catches me off guard and I almost lose my cool in a frenzy state.
before I could counter his statement he simply shrugs and continues.
"Today is your big day Jessica, you need to make sure to charm the young duke. that's the least you can do for the family that raised and fed you".

Raised me my ass. if I had a dime for every time they were just at the border of barely tolerating my existence for the greed of the money my original family had in my name, i'd be filthy rich by now. but the villainess in the book isn't aware of her finances. not at the moment atleast.
I can't voice my thoughts. not when I've come so far.
"Yes, Count".
no sooner had the count finished, Sylvia's yell almost made my soul crawl out of my skin, shes blocking my way into our ride.
"where did you get that?". she asks almost screaming as her eyes reflect the storm of fire brewing inside of her.
"What ever do you mean dear cousin?". I dramatically ask, placing my finger on my chin acting as foolish as I can muster, helpless against the playful pout that had ruled over my lips.
she opens and closes her mouth a few times before getting cut off by the count who clears his throat, a threat topped off with a look.

veins bulging from her forehead Sylvia stormed off into the carriage and plopped down onto the cushioned seating as she crossed her arms, she allowed her body to slide down softly against the wall.
"Sorry, But this carriage is full Jessica". the duke interrupts making me pause as I attempt to make my way into the same carriage as the others.

"Why don't you ride the other one we've prepared?".

Despite not seeing his face I know for sure he's smirking behind my back. The lavish carriage is for them nobles to show up with utmost extravagance, even if their titles and value slowly crumbles away into dust.

And me being forced into a different ride is to avoid the disrupting of that perfect persona that they put up, of their fading titles.

I look over to the carriage that I assume awaits me and it's quite obvious the lack of effort to make it appear like the property of a noble household. It's your every other one that can be hired by commoners.
I helplessly sit down alone in the uncomfortable chamber as it starts to move.
Soon we're at the gates to the Royal Palace. I made my way down, visibly deprived of the assistance of an escort as my whole body cried in pain from the constant turbulence as a result of the carriage when it galloped down the rocky paths.

once I'm done complaining I finally start to take in the magnificent and captivating view before me. there stood a seemingly never ending Castle, its patterns decorated with a golden element. could it that.. Gold?
And surrounding it was a hugely spread out garden with well managed plants, flowers and fruits.
Closing up my dropped jaw I realize the difference in reading and witnessing it with my own two eyes.

The difference is huge.

I'm somewhat glad I got put into a fantasy novel at this point....
"Get going you trash!".
Flinching I turn around with a 'This again?' look.
"Hey what the hell is that face for?!". Victors features contort in dissatisfaction and he charges past me bumping my shoulder hard with his.
No, I'm not glad of being put into this novel anymore.

A cold breeze blows, carrying with it the fresh scent of the flora.  stars glimmer brightly unlike I've ever witnessed back in Korea. It's so beautiful I can't stop staring. The moon blesses the beauty of the evening with a cold yet comforting glow. And a warm light exudes from the castle up ahead, an example of something no short of glamorous with every sense of meaning of the word.

anyone with half consciousness could stand forever just watching it, attempting to burn the view into their brains to fawn over for days to come.

I stand there for seemingly minutes on end just staring ahead, awestruck.
"what's with you? You've been acting weirder than you usually are". I turn around following the menacing voice spitting words at me.

Sylvia steps out escorted by a knight, she gathers her pastel pink ball gown which blows with the wind. her hair is braided and gathered into a bun, Vibrant and carefully carved jewels of pink shade hang from her ears and neck and Her flawlessly done makeup hides her frown. No matter how sick I think she is I can't help admitting she's a beauty to behold, graceful, delicate and perfect. No wonder she leads the social circles. However I haven't seen one person in this novel who was average in looks.

"Get going Jessica. it's rude to be late". The count continues his daughter's mock in a colder manner.

"Yes, please excuse my rudeness". I apologize between gritted teeth.

They walk before me and I follow behind closely. The garden is beautiful beyond words. I just want to see it in daylight, how gorgeous must it look?
Soon we're at the gate to the banquet hall. finally, after walking down hallways and corridors for a very long while. I'm exhausted. It's not so fascinating now is it?

We're met with none other than Victor. We stand before the gates as the guards announce our arrival.

"The Count of Earnhardt, The countess, the young lady and lord and finally lady Jessica of the late county of Durathier has arrived!".
Durathier? I thought I would never hear that name be called. Jessica Gaire von Durathier. Durathier, That was the name of the county when Her parents were still alive. When the current count took over, everything Jessica knew as hers was changed. completely gone, down to her last name.

Every single fragment that connected her to her past was discarded, it was another scheme to put her through the maddening thoughts of what little had remained of her beloved and the person she once knew herself to be. I can't believe how hard it must've been for her.

The doors creak open and the vibrant lights make me blink before I can finally adjust to the lights. The hall is filled to the brink with nobles, gorgeously dressed for the occasion. Crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling on which paintings are designed. there were Long tables filled with food, snacks and beverages all I couldn't even pronounce the names to.

So this is what the characters in the novel get to see?
How fascinating.

Groups of men and women stood chattering and gossiping while the maids and waiters served the beverages. The throne of the royal family members sat on the floor above, overlooking the entire banquet. They were unoccupied though.

The count leaves first accompanied by Victor with the excuse of greeting the nobles of familiarity and business partners.
Hes already involving his successor in managing matters to the best fo his capabilities.

Sylvia leaves to mingle with her friends and acquaintances, the Countess wanders off too, To sit by her group. Sigh*
I'm all to myself again hence I decide to stand in the corner where no one can bother me.

Id hate to attract attention to myself therefore laying low would be for the best. The doors yet again swing open as the knight announces.
"The Young Duke of the north His grace Nathan von Windsor has arrived!".

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