Chapter 2

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I stood nervously in the center of my room, my eyes scanning over every inch of the place I would be staying in. The room was nice and had all the necessities: a dresser, a bed, and a closet. The bed was placed along the wall beneath the tall four-paned window. The light wasn't even on, yet there was so much sunlight being let in that I didn't need it. On the opposite side of the room, near the door, was a gold, floor-length mirror, reflecting my nervous movements back to me. I let my bag slide off my shoulder. It landed with a thud on the hardwood floor, probably all the shoes I had packed.

What can I say, I'm a shoe girl.

I leaned over my bed, peering out the window. My window faced the street, giving me a perfect view of the neighborhood. It looked peaceful. The trees swayed in the breeze, sending an array of colorful leaves flying through the air. A couple of the leaves landed on a few cars parked along the street while the others landed quietly on the sidewalk. 

I heard a screech as the front door opened. My brother and Maggie stepped out.

"Thank you for your help, Maggie." Cale's words were mumbled as he spoke. He pulled her into another short hug. They had been downstairs in the living room talking for what felt like ages. I couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about. I mean, I assumed it was about me and Tate, but there wasn't that much that he didn't already know. We were his siblings after all, even if we had been distant the last couple of years.

"Call me if you need anything." Maggie said her eyes were closed as she relished the hug. After a moment, they released. Maggie looked Cale in the eyes, "They're good kids. Just give them time."

Cale nodded, crossing his arms as he watched Maggie make her way to her car. I sighed, leaning my back against my bed. This was it, there was no going back now. Tate and I were stuck here. I crawled over to where I left my bag. Grabbing the zipper, I pulled, exposing my neatly folded clothes. I silently cursed to myself as I saw a small wooden object lying on the top. Why did I have to pack it last? Now it was the first thing I saw when I would really rather forget. My fingers trembled as I grabbed the wooden picture frame. I smiled slightly as my eyes stared at the picture. I remember the day like it was yesterday. We were all so happy, before the world came crumbling down around us.

We stood outside our old house, our faces smiling, laughing as the photographer tried to get us to sit still for the picture. My parents stood behind us. My fathers' arms wrapped around my mother as he pulled her into a kiss. I sat in between Tate and Cale, my mouth pulled into a wide smile as my brothers tickled me from either side. My fingers brushed over the image as my brain replayed the memory. We were all moving, the photographer couldn't manage to get us to sit still. So how she still managed to snap this picture was amazing to me. It was so imperfect, it was perfect. A small tear fell from my eye. Why couldn't life go back to this moment? I missed my mom, I missed my dad, I even missed Cale. I missed who we used to be.

There was a small knock on the door, bringing me out of my thoughts. Cale stood outside my room. Quickly, I wiped the tear away with the back of my hand, setting the picture down on top of my bag.

"Noa? Are you okay?" Cale asked, stepping into the room. I pulled my lips into a small smile, not wanting him to see my almost break down. I had spent enough time crying over something that could never be changed, and where was that getting me? Nowhere. I was done crying. I was done wallowing in pity. I was done feeling. I didn't want to feel anymore.

I nodded, "I'm fine."

Cale walked over, sitting on the edge of my bed. His eyes looked over the room, as if seeing it for the first time, before finally landing on the picture. Slowly, he reached down, gently picking the picture up. He stared at the picture. A small smile carved at his lips. "This day feels like so long ago, huh?"

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