Chapter 5

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Almost done. I told myself as my leg bounced up and down, while my eyes nervously scanned the library. The seemingly never-ending day was almost done. I just had to make it through this stupid tutoring session, then I would be free.

Only to do it all again tomorrow.


I groaned slouching back in my chair as the realization hit. I had forgotten how exhausting school was. It was a vicious, never-ending cycle; and I was not looking forward to it. If Principal Anderson wasn't so adamant about keeping track of our whereabouts, I probably would have already left. What was the point? The more I thought about it, it all just seemed so pointless. In the end, we just die anyway.

"Noa?" A voice spoke behind me, startling me out of my daze. I snapped my head up, a frown immediately crossing my face as I recognized who it was.

"Callan." I greeted, unsure why he was coming over here. He sent me a warm smile – one that I was beginning to attribute to him – before sliding into the empty seat across from me. "What are you...?"

"Principal Anderson said you needed help, with some of your classes." He told me as he dug in his backpack, pulling out a spiral notebook. I sat up straighter as it dawned on me.

"Mr. Black." I said quietly, suddenly feeling embarrassed. Naturally, I had assumed that Mr. Black was a teacher. The thought that he was a student didn't even cross my mind. Not only was he a student, but the one student I did not want to see. "You're Mr. Black?" I clarified.

Callan looked amused as he glanced up at me. "In the flesh."

I nervously snapped my rubber band, mostly in annoyance that I hadn't caught on sooner.

"So, where are you from?" Callan asked as his fingers flipped through his notebook. I knew this was coming sooner or later. Where are you from...It was such a simple question. A way to open the door for relationships to form. A way for friendships to be made. I didn't want that. I already allowed one person into my walls today and that was enough for me. I couldn't let anyone else in. Callan's fingers stopped moving as he looked up at me expectantly.

Its just a question, Noa... Opting not to be rude, I responded. "I'm from here actually. District 5." I bit my lip, hoping he wouldn't ask anything else.

Callan smiled as he went back to flipping through his notebook. "I have some friends down there. Ridgeview right?"

I nodded. Memories of my old high school flashed through my mind. Memories of who I used to be tugged on my brain, begging to be let out. I snapped my rubber band.

"It's a nice area down there. A little bit of a change in scenery up here, isn't it?"

I bit the inside of my cheek as I remembered my old neighborhood. While Ridgeview wasn't on the water like Northridge is, it was still a beautiful district in its own way. The quaint houses and shops that lined every street were like something out of a storybook. It was small, but it was peaceful. Everyone knew each other. It was like we were one big happy family. That's why it hurt so bad when we left it all behind.

I cleared my throat, causing Callan to look up from his notebook. "You know what, I'm good." I told him as I started to stand. "I appreciate you wanting to help, but on second thought, I got it." I slung my backpack over my shoulder as I made a break for the door. I needed to leave. I couldn't sit here and answer Callan's questions and pretend like I'm happy to be here. Because I'm not. If I had it my way, I would still be at Ridgeview. If I had it my way, none of this would be happening right now. Callan looked confused as I started to leave. He quickly jumped to his feet as he moved after me.

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