Chapter 8

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"Please just have an open mind." Cale spoke from beside me. Cale was dressed in his work clothes: a white button up that clung tight on his body and had the sleeves rolled partly up his arms and black slacks in which his shirt was tucked in.

He had insisted on getting off work early to bring me to my first appointment. For 'moral support'. Not that I needed it. There was no reason for me to be here and there was no reason for this lady to snake her way inside and give input on something she knows nothing about. I glared at him, still very frustrated he was forcing me to speak to someone who had no idea what I was going through.

"I don't want to be here." I reiterated as my fingers subconsciously tugged at my rubber band. My eyes wandered around the quiet waiting room. The building we were in reminded me of any other office building. When we entered, we were met with a large circular desk sitting in the center of the brightly lit room. As my eyes scanned over the office, I noticed two closed doors in the back. Where I assumed I would be locked away to speak with my therapist. On either side of the circular desk were plush chairs lining the wall, giving us a place to sit while we waited.

It was quiet, almost too quiet. The only sound we could hear, besides the steady breathing in through our noses, was the constant clicking of the receptionist on her keyboard. It was enough to drive me mad. I had to refrain from telling her to quiet down.

Cale sighed, "I know you don't, Noa. But maybe this will be good for you."

"I doubt it."

I heard the click of a door opening. Internally I groaned. I knew what that meant.

It was my turn.

A short lady, who looked to be in her mid-to-late forties stepped in front of us. She wore a pair of neatly ironed black pants that cut off before her ankles and a black and white stripped blouse. It kind of looked like a zebra. Her pale hair was pulled behind her head in a low ponytail exposing the beginnings of wrinkles on her face. Her eyes bore at me through her chunky blue glasses. While those wouldn't have been my first choice, I liked that they added a pop of color to her otherwise grim looking outfit. While she was short, probably only a couple inches taller than me, she held herself strong and confident. Her back was straight, and her arms were held neatly in front of her. I knew just by looking at her that she was the type of person who followed a strict schedule and didn't allow time for any fun. Probably spending all of her free time at work.

"You must be Noa." The lady in front of us said. She wore a bright smile on her face, which if I'm being honest didn't match my initial judgements of her. "It's so nice to meet you. I'm Jamie."

"Nice to meet you." I said, not quite matching her enthusiasm. I wanted her to know that I didn't want to be here. That I didn't need help. Then maybe she would let me leave.

Unlike Cale.

"Well, shall we get started? I would love to chat with you and get to know you." Jamie gestured toward the door she just came out of.

I sighed, my eyes glancing from my brother to Jamie. They weren't going to just let me leave. Unfortunately, for the next hour of my life, I was stuck here. But still, I hoped that seeing the pleading in my eyes, Cale would take pity on me and take me home instead.

"Tate will pick you up. I'll see you at home." Cale said, crushing any hope I had left. I huffed, sending him a scowl, before turning and entering the room.

Unlike the waiting room of the building, Jamie's office was rather colorful. The walls were painted in a light blue that reminded me of looking at the sky on a sunny day. In the center of the room was a long gray couch with fluffy pillows on both ends. I had to admit, it looked rather comfy. In front of the couch was a separate armchair. Along the back wall of the office was a window that looked out into the street outside. Every couple of seconds a car would drive by making me envious of their freedom.

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