Chapter 12

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The weekend came and went far too quickly for my liking, probably because I spent the rest of it locked away in my room not wanting to see or speak to anyone. I preferred being by myself these days, it was just easier. Before I knew it, I was once again in the confines known as school. My fingers twisted the dial on my locker as my ears filled with the bustling noise of students in the hallway. I grumbled as someone bumped into me, knocking me into my locker, then passed by without even a second glance.

Another day in paradise.

I pulled my locker door open revealing the piles of textbooks and binders inside. My ears rang with the yells and screams of the packed hallway. It was ridiculous how loud high schoolers could be. Boys yelled down the hall to each other while passing a football in the air. Girls were squealing gossip to one another without a care of who is listening in. The noise, coupled with the white lights blaring down on us, made my head pound even harder than it was this morning.

I knew from the moment I woke up this morning that it was going to be a day. I spent most of the night lying awake in bed, exhausted yet unable to sleep. My mind was reeling, working nonstop. It was like it was trying to keep me awake, like it was afraid to fall asleep. That was the first sign. The second was that from the moment the sun made its appearance across the sky, my head started to ache. It started small, behind my eyes, but by the time I made my way to breakfast, it had traveled to my whole head. I had tried to convince Cale to let me stay home this morning. He didn't want to hear it.


I pulled out my English and chemistry textbooks along with the accompanying binders. I clenched my teeth, closing my eyes for a brief second while I took a deep breath as I listened to the sounds of the hallway. I would not lose it today. I would not lose it.

"Is it just me or does it seem like the weekends go by too quickly." Clove's voice pulled me out of my moment of tranquil. Clove leaned her back against the lockers, her eyes scanning over the obnoxious crowd. "These people are way too energetic for me this morning. I can't handle it."

"I couldn't agree more." I shut my locker with a clang before leaning my back against my locker in a similar manner to Clove.

"What is there to be happy about this early in the morning?" She grumbled throwing me off guard. I had never seen Clove this mellow. She usually had enough enthusiasm for the both of us. She must have taken a page out of my book this morning...and I wasn't sure I liked it. "We were out of coffee this morning. I can't go without my go juice and this is just too much. Look at them over there? How do these people function."

My eyes traveled out toward the crowd of students, each one more energetic than the next. It did nothing for my headache. In fact, I was pretty sure they were making it worse. I saw Aubrey through the crowd with her posse talking to a few boys from the soccer team. Her cackle filled the hallway making me roll my eyes at how fake it was. I watched as she reached out, touching the arm of Jay, flashing him the same grin I saw her give my brother. I groaned, letting my head fall back against the locker.

"So, you never told me how good looking your brother is." Clove eyed me. "Cale I mean. Don't get me wrong Tate has some looks too but I prefer men, not boys."

I raised my eyebrow, tilting my head to look at her. If anyone else were to comment on my brother's appearance I would throw up for sure. But coming from Clove, who was so innocent and pure, I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "Cale?"

"Yes, Cale." She giggled, clearly knowing how crazy she was sounding. "I'm a sucker for some good stubble. And! He supports his siblings. How sweet is that."

If only she knew the real reason, he was at the game.

My eyes picked out Callan in the crowd. His face was set in a small, determined frown, different than his usual appearance. He pushed his way through the crowd, ignoring the calls of his friends. I knew where he was headed. I knew because I didn't answer any of his texts this weekend. I knew because I left without a word after a game. And I knew because he was not afraid of confrontation. He has proven that to me time and time again.

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