Chapter 16

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My eyes flew over the page as I let myself fall deeper and deeper into the world of Elizabeth Bennett. I smiled at the thought of her lavish lifestyle. The empire-waisted gowns, the immaculate architecture of her home, the frivolous day-to-day activities. Oh, what I would give to have her life. I wouldn't have to deal with brothers, cancer, or a drug addicted mother who's currently living the rest of her life in jail forcing me to live with said brothers.

I leaned my head back against my bed, adjusting my sitting position on the floor. I could still hear the boys downstairs who carried on like my little scene downstairs was just another Friday night. Around here, it seems like that is definitely the case. 

I sighed as I turned a page, as much as I wanted to enjoy the re-read of my comfort book. I couldn't. I couldn't help but feel bad for yelling at Cale. My conscious was telling me that I should go down there and help him clean up the mess I made. The stairs creaked outside my door, telling me that someone was coming up.

"I'm serious man. She doesn't shut up about you." A loud voice, it sounded like Beau's, said accompanied by two more sets of footsteps. I heard Tate chuckle as they passed my door.

  "I'm sure she's like that around everyone."

"Nope, pretty sure it's just around you." Callan's voice said.

"Yeah, well that doesn't mean anything. She's just my lab partner." A pause. "Don't look at me like that."

"I'm just saying dude, chicks don't just call their lab partner."

"Whatever, Beau. Just go piss so we can go back downstairs." I could sense the annoyance in Tates voice. I turned my attention back to my book. I brought my knees up to my chest, adjusting the blanket across my lap.

"Which do you mean?" and turning round, he looked for a moment at Elizabeth, till catching her eye, he withdrew his own and coldly said, "She is tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt me; and I am in no humour at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men. You had better return to your partner and enjoy her smiles, for you are wasting your time with me."

I rolled my eyes, classic Mr. Darcy.

"So," Callan cleared his throat nervously. I glanced up at the door, no longer interested in my book, "does that happen a lot? Your sister and Cale?"

I heard Tate sigh, "they didn't use to be like that." Tate shifted in his stance. "The move was really hard on her. To be honest, the past two years have been..." Tate trailed off and I could tell he was thinking about the right words to say. "Noa's just had a hard time adjusting to all the changes. And I don't blame her. The things she's gone through...the things she's seen...she has every right to feel whatever she is feeling right now."

I closed my eyes, my mind immediately going back to that night, the night that changed everything. I still remember it like it was yesterday. I remember coming home after going to the store. I remember going directly into my father's room. I remember screaming when I saw his colorless body surrounded by the tiny little pills that fell from his hand to the floor. I remember running over to him, shaking him, praying that it was all just a dream.

But he didn't wake up.

He never woke up.

I could feel my heart rate begin to pick up as the memories flooded my mind. I took a shaky breath, trying to calm my racing thoughts. I would not cry. I would not cry. I just needed to lock them away.

"Man," Beau's loud voice filled the hallway once again. He let out a chuckle. "I would not go in there if I was you."

"Great, thanks for stinking it up." My brother said, I could almost picture him rolling his eyes.

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