{}Dragon Twins:Chapter four{}

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{}Dragon Twins: Chapter four{}


"BROTHER!!!" Everyone yelled in shock including me

He nodded his head slowly and quickly gave me a hug "I'm so happy too see you big brother"

I didn't hug him nor cried I just stood there "B-big brother"

He broke his one and only sided hug and nodded his head "Yes you were born ten seconds before I"

I took several steps back as Lucy placed her soft hands on me "What's your name my so called brother who clearly looks like me"

He smiled as he rolled his eyes "My name is Nash, Nash Dragneel and you are Natsu Dragneel big brother"

He took off his coalk and he wore a red jacket with a pair red pants and red and black goggles. I on the other hand had on a black/silver jacket and black pants.

The girls went awe and I just stood there shocked with Lucy "Hey Nash, since your my twin what's was my father"

He smiled and tapped his chin as he sat down "That's easy, his name was Igneel Dragneel and he was a dragon whom can transform into human form"

I stood there shocked as I sat across from him "Okay since mom took you and all where is she and what's her name"

He laughed slightly and looked at me with simpathy "didn't you ever here the legend, her name was ignella and she couldn't make it. I'm the only one whom survived"

My face grew soft as I heard about my mother whom I didnt know "So um how did mom die"

He took a deep breath and looked at us "It was our birthday and I was with mom celebrating because I wasn't with you. She told me to go into the closet because she was getting the surprise ready. Once I was in I heard a earpitching scream. Me being like the coward I am I went deeper into the closet and started crying in the corner covering my ears. After the screaming was over I heard someone yell damn and the front door close.knowing everything was clear I walked out of the closet to find my mother dead holding a box wrapped in blue and red gift wrapping paper with my name in her perfect cursive handwriting--"

Hearing this story made a tear slip out my eyes and I saw Lucy sit next to me. She held my hand and I sweezed my gals hand... ITS NOT WEIRD WE ARE BESTFRIENDS SO WIPE THAT GRIN OFF YOUR FACE.... READERS THESE DAYS SHEESH.

"Ina go home its late bye Natsu" she let go of my hand and walked out the guild with no one knowing besides me.

Missing the warmth of her soft hands I looked at Nash who was silantly crying soft sobs "Okay I'm fine now, j cried by her fragile body a-as I held her hands... ever since that d-day I haven't celebrated my b-birthday knowing my mother died on that day"

Once the story was done I looked around the guild as my eyes turned watery. All the girls in the guild were crying and several tears slipped out as my twin was crying like a mad person. I walked over to him and gave him a small smile to cheer him up "Hey listen Nash I'm still here even when I lost my dad"

He smiled and wiped his tears then held my hands in his "This is why I came to find you brother, so I can have someone with me who is still family"

He gave me a hug and the entire guild awed but Gray jumped onto the table "Guys I have an annocement... Natsu is turning Gay"

I broke the hug between me and my brother whom I just met "You wanna go ice princess"

Gray jumped off the table and clenched his teeth "Let's go fire breath"

We started fighting and someone grabbed our hair "I had enough" then smashed our heads together "Cant you see that Natsu brother is here mostly for you Natsu and Gray saw some shit like that again I would personality build your grave and throw you in there with no hesitation"

I got up quickly kicked gray in the gut than ran towards my brother whom looked scared. O smiled and held out my hand "Welcome To Fairy Tail... Brother"

Mira came and placed a stamp on the right side if his shoulder in red just like mine "Thank you big brother thank you so much"

He quickly tacked me into a hug and I hugged him back "and welcome to team Natsu"

He smiled as the entire guild cheered. We partied and Nash had a great time. I even showed him around magnolia and right now we are in the park.

As we were walking Nash stopped in the middle of the bridge and stared out into the crystal clear water. I stopped walking and faced him.

"Hey big brother, who was that girl you was hugging? What is she too you"

I looked at him confused as my face grew really warm "Oh she's my best friend her name is Lucy and I cant live without her and I don't know what I would do without her"

He turned around and I looked at his onex eyes as he looked into mine "yeah but what would happen when she's gone"
He walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder "You know like death--" Lisanna "--disapperance--" Igneel "or betrayal" Gray but he came back

I shook my thoughts away and looked at him with fear "N-nash what are you plan-"

"BIG BROTHER, can I meet her tomorrow please, I wanna become friends with her as well" he said with a huge smile on his face

I continued to look at him with fear still in my eyes and nodded my head slowly and put on a fake smile "Sure but tomorrow I'll show you her"

He hugged me and started walking away from the bridge.... I hate to admit this but im starting not to trust my own brother~ I thought as I walked not too far behind him


So how was this chapter was it good I hope so hehe I hope it was good too your standards please inform me if I need to do better

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