{}Dragon Twins:Chapter Six{}

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{}Dragon Twins: Chapter Six{}


I got off the chair and started walking towards Luce. Nash tapped my shoulder and I turned around.

He gave a small smile as he was... Dancing? " Um big brother, I need to you the bathroom first"

I rolled my eyes as I sat in another chair "Okay then I'll be waiting"

He just stood there dancing "B-big brother, I don't know where the bathroom is at"

I sighed and pointed into a hallway "Just go in there and take a left to the first door you see"

He nodded and walked into the hallway. I placed my head on my palm as my elbow was on the table. Next thing I know I feel something land on my hair.

I take it off my head and looked at what it was just to find "Happy, I thought you were sleeping"

He glared at me and took a fish out of his backpack" Natshu I thought you took me with you"

I laughed and shrugged my shoulders "Sorry little buddy I forgot about you"

He crossed his arms and looked away "Your mean Natshu"

I laughed a little until I spotted Carla "Hey happy, look at Carla"

He quickly snapped his head to the direction I was looking at "Oh yeah I see her"

I smirked a little "And look at that beautiful blue dress she's wearing did i mention her bow"

Happy quickly jumped off my lap and ran to her "CARLA!!!"

Me watching the whole scene Carla looked at happy surprised "Tomcat?!"

Happy tripped on someones shoe and fell on top of her. I moved aside a little to see their lips connected. All the girls screamed "KAAWWWAAAAIIIII"

I laughed to my self as I felt someone wrapped their arms around my neck "Hey Natsu"

I know that voice "hey Lisanna"

She removed her arms and sat down next to me "Happy sure is a ladies man huh"

I looked at the two exceeds who are holding hands blushing furiously and I just smiled "Yeah he gets it from me"

Lisanna started laughing and wipped away a fake tear "Omg Natsu, you always make my day hmm... or maybe he gets it from Lucy"

I looked at her confused and crossed my arms "What do you mean he gets it from Luce"

"Well I'd you haven't reliezed that Happy has been with Lucy for a while and not with you, so that means she's been helping him"

I shrugged my shoulders as I wanted to yell Kawaii but nah "Yeah your maybe right Lisanna thanks a lot"

She got up and turned her heel "See ya around Natsu"

I waved bye as I saw my brother coming from the hallway. He stood beside me and smiled "So big brother, let's meet Lucy"

I stood up but when I did I saw her leaving the guild "I guess I can't let you meet her"

{Natsu Bold}
{Nash italics}

And why not big brother, you said I can met her

I know but she left

Your point is.......what

What do you want me to do huh

I don't know, you knew her longer big brother so you should know

What do you want me to chase her

....... Yeah that should do the trick

Ugghhhhh fine let's go

Both Nash and I left the guild and started walking down the street to Lucy's apartment. Bit Nash won't shut the hell up, he wants me to buy everything... like im not rich.

I felt someone tug my arm and I looked at Nash "What is it now"

He held up a red head band "do you think Lucy would like it"

I shrugged my shoulders "I dont know now come on"

I started walking again and he tiger my arm again "How about this Sacara Flower hair clip"

I took out fifty jewels and handed it to Nash "Here buy it Damn"

He quickly brought the hair clip "thanks big brother, now come on let's go meet Lucy"

By the time we got to Lucy's apartment it was like four o'clock. I claimed threw her window and sat on her bed, followed by Nash of course.

Then the bathroom door opened followed by Lucy in a towel "NATSU WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE"

I smiled and laughed a little "what do you think"

I pointed to Nash and she quickly went back into the bathroom. I looked at my twin brother and all I saw were his eyes wide and his bottom part of his mouth was on the floor.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and snapped my fingers in his face, turns out that worked because he jumped up "oh big brother, didnt she look magnificent, that outfit was astounding. Her body was curvy and her golden blond hair was beautiful. No wonder you like her"

I felt my cheeks warm up... I'm probably sick, nothing else... "That outfit was a towel and I'm her best friend"

He rolled his eyes as they were glued to the bathroom door "whatever... Oh and those Melons... haha they were huge, twise the fun huh big brother"

My facle expression didn't change but my palms were getting sweety "What is wrong with you"

He looked at me with a huge smile... kinda like mines "You probably already had it with her huh... did she make your night worth remembering"

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH MY BROTHER.... "I never knocked her up because she's my best friend, I don't know what I would do if she left me"

Before my twin brother Nash could answer Lucy came out wearing a tank top with shorts "Okay, Natsu why are you here"

I looked at her then to my brother "Nash wanted to meet you before anyone else"

She walked up to Nash and held her hand out "Konichiwa Nash, I'm Lucy, Lucy Heartfilia"

He shook her hand and stared... I'm not even gonna say what he stared at "Lucy I'm so happy I met you, I'm Nash. Natsu's younger brother also his twin haha so Lucy what magic do you do"

Lucy smiled but somehow fell on the floor with Nash on top of her. The action that got me mad was that both of their lips were connected "WHAT THE HELL!!!!"

Ohhh there was Drama, Comedy and Romance in this chapter huh.

So how was that chapter huh, was it good I hope so I had fun writing it. Vote, comment,and Follow please. And stay KAWAII!!!!

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