{}Dragon Twins:Chapter two{}

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{}Dragon Twins: Chapter Two{}


"WE MADE IT BACK ALIVE" I yelled as I kicked the door open

Everyone looked at both Lucy and I


The whole guild erupted into cheers as I flashed my signature toothy grin. Lucy moved pass me and went up to the bar. I sighed as I watch her leave me at the entrance.

"Hey Natsu"

I looked at where the voice was to only find my buddy walking up towards me "oi what's up happy"

He smiled and landed on my head "Trying to give Carla a fish, hey Natsu what's wrong with lushee"

I shrugged my shoulders as I saw the so called blonde beauty sitting by her self at the bar"I don't know but ima go mess around with her"

Happy laughed to himself and got off my head "okay Natsu have fun with that" he then walked over to Carla

I grinned and walked up to my blonde best friend. Once I was close enough I saw her drinking a strawberry milkshake. I put on an evil smile and put my hand on her shoulder causing her to jump.

She quickly turned around and sneered also glared at me "What the hell Natsu, why did you scare me"

I started laughing and somehow someway I ended up on the floor. She dumped her milkshake on me and I stopped laughing "Oi what was that for Luce"

She clicked her tongue and put her hands on her curves so what she calls them I call them waist then curves "Why don't you grow up already"

I looked at her with tears stinging the corner of my eyes but I blinked them away as I heard ohh's so I just grinned "Am already grown up ah duh"

I said as I stucked my tongue out at her and she just grabbed my vest bringing me to her level if she had one "You would never understand how I feel"

I looked at her wide eyed because she's right I don't know how she feels most of the time "So stop hiding in your shell you little crab and tell me how you feel"

She let go of me causing me to fall on the floor and she sat on my... how do I put this oh yeah... she sat on my MANHOOD as my legs were in between her legs "why can't you understand, I'm your best friend"

She then leaned her upper body closer to me as she licked some of the strawberry shake off my face. I felt my face heat up for no exact reason as I saw everyone gather around us.

I looked at my blonde haired friend whom was staring at me "Luce what are you doing"

She grabbed my hands and put them above my head as she stared at me her eyes filled with lust while a tear started to appear "are all dragon slayers dense"


I heard Gajeel yell and Lucy turned her head and glared at him "YOU CLEARLY ARE BECAUSE YOU CANT EVEN REMEMBER MY NAME"

Me still laying on the floor with my best friend on top of me trying to do god knows what she looked back at me "Luce what are you trying to do"

She sat up and got up as I sighed in relief. I stood up as she started laughing and so did Levy and Mira. She high fived both of them and I looked at them confused.
I then became blind of a sudden white light flash. Once my vision cleared up I saw Mira look at her camera. I glared at all the of them as Gray slapped my back.

I looked at him while popcical was trying to good in his laughter "What the hell was that for"

His laughter slowed down as tears were about to come out "I can't believe you fell for that, like I didn't even know what was going on until I looked closer, like who would fall for the likes of you"

Both if our foreheads collided as we glared at each other "You wanna go ice princess"

"Bring it on I'll knock the fire out of you flame for brains"

"Why you little-"

Someone grabbed our hair cutting me off then slamming or foreheads together "Enough"

Knowing that was Titana known as Erza both of us stood quite as we rubbed our heads "sorry Erza" we said in unison

She then picked up her strawberry cake and started eating it as she walked away from us. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder just to find the biggest pranker in the guild my own best friend Lucy.

She gave me a sypitchetic look as she pulled me up some "Sorry about what happened, I got dared to do this yesterday by Levy and Mira"

I shrugged my shoulders as I stood up and gave her a small smile "Don't mention it, after all it was a dare right"

She smiled back and looked down "yeah only and only was a dare"

I pat her shoulder as she looked up at me with a small hint of embarrassment on her porcelain face "Hey I said it was okay, didn't I"

She nodded her head and gave me a hug "I didn't mean to embaress you, at first they wanted me to do it on the streets bit I told them no and they said here"

I stood there then hugged her back not that its awkward she's my girl... not like that "Its fine okay I'm not the type of person to hold a grudge Luce espically on you"


I covered Lucy's ears really quick as I growled a little "ONLY ON YOU TWO DORK SQUADS"

I heard Lucy laugh and I looked at her as we broke the hug. Before one of us could say another word the guild doors flew open revieling someone in a coalk...

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I hope you liked this chapter, I had fun writing it and I had no idea what I was thinking when I did that part lml

Vote, comment,and follow plz I'm not forcing ya oh and stay kawii

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