{}Dragon Twins: Chapter Eleven{}

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{}Dragon Twins: Chapter Eleven{}


I started to cry as Natsu mouthed 'Im sorry to me' "NATSU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''

I guess Nash saw him unconcious so he stopped and got off of his. I was him tearing up a little as he wispered some spell as he held Natsu briddle style. As he was shrinking and so was Natsu next thing I know they were both in front of me... well Nash was in front of me holding Natsu. Nash lowered his head and walked past us and into the guild.

We all looked at eachother and both Wendy and I ran into the infermary. When we went inside we saw Nash sitting in a chair besides his brothers bed. I went closer to him as Wendy quickly ran to Natsu's side and started healing him instantly. I looked at Nash and saw him crying like he was mad on the outside but scared and sad on the inside.

I sat next to him on another chair which was right beside Natsu's bed as well "Nash why did you attack your brother"

He lookedat me as more tears streamed down his tan skin "I-I was ju-just mad I-I did-nt wanna h-hurt n-n-n-natsu"

I looked at his puffy eyes that showed sadness "but you took it to far"

I rubbed my puffy eyes so they could return to normal as he looked back at Natsu as he continued to cry "I was mad"

We saw Natsu stiffen as Wendy had a smile on her face "He's gonna be okay, but he needs a day of rest"

Wendy smiled as she hugged me "Thanks Wen"

She broke the hug and glared at Nash that made him look down in disapontment. She then walked out of the infermary leaving both me and Nash right beside Natsu's bed. Natsu was sweating alot and moving also as well, I guess it was a bad dream he was having so I just continued to watch him.

Nash held my hand causing me to look into his onex puffy eyes "Lucy how much do you love Natsu"

I looked at my hand and inter twinded it them his "Nash, I know this my hurt you but I love your brother more then anything"

He looked down disaponted and hurt "I dont eally understand that meaning of that kiss between us anymore... was it all a fake our feelings towards me and everything"

I held his hand tighter and my heart ached just to see him look like that "Nash my feelings towards you were real everything that happened was real. But I love Natsu I just dont like him he means more then the world to me. You will find someone out there who would love you"

He looked at me with a small smile "You really think someone would fall in love with me"

I laughed as I looked at Natsu and back at Nash "'Of course, I fell in love with an Idiotic dragon slayer so someone is gonna fall fot you"

He started laughing as he gripped my hand "Yeah I guess so"

I looked back at Natsu as I felt Nash's eyes onme still "Everyone has a purpose in this world-"I continued "and everyone has someone else in the world just waiting to met eachother. So dont feel like someone is not ment for you unless your a robot"

He laughed and let go of my hand "I thought you were ment for me to be honest"

I smiled and then slapped him across the face "Next time you hurt Natsu I would hurt you and believe me Im way stronger then I look"

He nodded his head as he rubbed his cheek "I wont and I deserved that"

I nodded my head and stood up "You sure did, so Nash can you give Natsu and I a moment alone please"

He nodded his head "Okay I'll see you later then Luce"

He walked out the infermary and I sat on Natsu's bed. I smiled as I saw one of his pink bangs fall on his face. I took his hair and placed it behind his ear. I saw him smile which made blushed a little and I kissed him on his forehead which caused him to open his eyes slowly. He tried to sit but but he quickly laid back down due to the pain in his back.

He smiled at me "Hey Luce"

I pushed my bonde hair behind my ear as I pecked him on the lips "Hey Natsu"

He grinned "I have to tell ya something for I could see if your okay with it"

I nodded my head urging him to go on "Okay"

He sighed and held my hand "I just wanted to let you know that tomorrow that it's dragon matting season, and I found my mate already"


Her eyes went from wide to hurt instently "W-who's your mate"

I smirked as I took her by the waist and pulled her body close to my chest "You are but in order for me to do that then ima have to mark you mine okay"

She nodded her head "Is it gonna hurt"

I shook my head as I moved her blonde hair out of her face "No of course not, but Its gonna have to be on your neck love"

She took a deep breath and moved her hair to one side as she tilted her head to the side. I smirked and pulled her closer to me as her neck was right infront of me. I took a deep breath then kissed her neck I heard her moan which made me smirk once again. I the bit down on her neck and she flinched but pulled out really fast for I dont cause her to bleed.

I looked at her neck and there was the mark of fire claiming her mine. She moved back so not her neck was in front of me but her face. I put my hand behid her head kissing her passionatly and she kissed me back without any hesitation. 'I can't wait until tomorow' I thought

phew I updated twice in one day... your welcome
I hoped you enjoyed it... Tomrrow I would update and it would be a lemon scene
but don't worry I would make it interesting XD
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