{}Dragon Twins: Chapter Thirteen{}

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{}Dragon Twins: Chapter Thirteen{}


Natsu has'nt been home all day "Hey Happy, is'nt Natsu suppost to be home by now"

The little blue furball looked as me and stopped chewing on his fish "Yeah but he said he was gonna go over to Lushies home"

I nodded my head in understandment and before I could ask another question the door opened revieling a blushed up Natsu. I jumped up and gave him a hug and he hugged me back. Happy landed on his head as he broke the hug and sat on the couch with his face all red. I sat next to him as Happy sat on the other side of him.

"Natshu are you okay'' Happy asked him a little concered

Natsu ran is hand threw his hair as he gave Happy a huge smile "I feel better then ever little buddy"

I grinned because I knew exactly what he was talking about "Congrats big brother"

He looked at me and smiled "Yeah thanks"

I nodded my hand and saw Happy sleeping peacefully "Hey big brother Happy is sleeping... That reminds me, I have'nt seen Happy in the previous chapter" (A/N: you just had to put previous chapters)

"He was with Wendy and Carla don't worry about it" He said as he picked up the blue guy

I nodded my head and laid down on the couch as Natsu laid on his bed beside Happy. It was quite between us and before I got up too turn off the light, Natsu went into the bathroom so I did'nt get up. When he came out he was in his boxers and a long T-shirt that reached his thighs.... WTH AM I SAYING. He came up to me and sat on the edge of the couch.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I looked into his Onex orbs as he looked into my simular ones "Nash, can you help me with something"

I nodded my head as I felt my face heating up because he was so close to me and I can feel his body heat "S-sure Big brother"

He sighed as he backed up some and ran his hand threw his hair "Okay.... I wanna marry L.... and not L...."

Lucy... Next day

I woke up and quickly ran into the bathroom remembering what happened last night. I turned the water too hot to wash off some of the sweat from last nights sudden action which I knew about so it was'nt so sudden. I washed it all away and came out with my pink towel around my chest and wrapped around my hair.

I threw on a pink summer dress and pink flats too go with it. I blow dried my hair and brushed it down as I put some of my hair on the side and tied it with a pink ribbon. I grabbed my keys and put my belt on my dress which was pink thank you very much. I walked out the comfort of my apartment/home.

I walked down the street of magnolia and when I opened the door everyone smiled at me "Hi minna"

"HEY LUCY" they all said in union

I walked deeper into the guild as the rest of my nakamas wwnt back to what they where doing before hand. I sat on the bar stool and took out my pocket mirror. I opened it and made it face my neck which still had the mark of a fire dragon on it whiched caused me to close it as I blushed furiously. Mira must have saw me because she came up to me and smiled widely.

"So..." she began "Why are you blushing hmm"

I felt my fae heat up even more as she asked me that "Oh no reason"

She turned her head to see Freed leave the guild and as she did that I saw a lightning bold that glowed a little as Laxus stepped in 'Must be a mark of a lightning Dragon which has to be Laxus, It even glowed when he came into the guild' Laxus came and kissed Mirajane on the cheek which caused her to blush and me too grin.

Mira walked into the kitchen as Laxus walked over to the Thunder Legeaned table. I felt my neck tingle a little and I quickly took out my miror again and made it face my mark. The mark that was a shape of a flame started glowing and when I looked at the guilds doors I saw Natsu and Nash come threw without kicking it open this time.

He looked around and when he saw me he just smiled and waved. I waved back and when he saw Lisanna he walked up too her with a huge grin on his face as one hand was tucked away in his pocket. I frowed at the sight as he whispered into her ear which made her giggle and when he took a small velvet box out of his pocket I wanted to cry a river of tears.

I then felt someone spin me around quickly and attacked my lips into theirs, when the person broke the kiss he grinned "Sorry beautiful, I had to ask Lisanna for her opinion"

I scoffed and looked into his eyes "mhmm Okay Natsu"

He grinned as he walked up to his table on stood on top of it "EVERYONE I HAVE AN ANOUNCEMENT TO MAKE"

Everyone stood quite and turned their focus to the pink haired dragon slayer as he looked at me "Natsu what are you doing"

He grinned as he came up too me and held my hands "Lucy Ashely Heartfilia, I remember when we first met and how my attention was only focused on keeping you safe, even if that means me getting badly injered or me dying. I always thought that you were gonna be a pain in my ass but you was'nt. You even saved my life sometimes which I'm truely greatful for because if you did'nt do that then I would'nt be able to do this..." He got down on one knee and opened the small velete box "Lucy I wanna spend the rest of my life with you and stay by your side, Would you Lucy Heartfila marry me"




I know im a horrible person for making it stop right there. But the answer is gonna be in the next chapter I promise and the next chapter would be the last. Just saying... Ima update later today like around 5pm Vote, Comment, and Follow please

Stay Kawaii

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