{}Dragon Twins:Chapter Five{}

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{}Dragon Twins: Chapter Five{}


Ever since he said that I couldn't help but question why. Since Nash has no where to stay, I let him stay at my place and let me just say he's a neat freak. When he cleans, I sit on my "bed" as he complains about everything.

"Hey Nash, why don't we just go to sleep" I said as I yawned

He snapped his head at me as he glared daggers at me "Sleep...  you want me to sleep in such filth. I don't think so big brother"

I shrugged my shoulders and rested my chin on my palm "whatever.......hey Nash, I can't help but question why did you say that on the bridge"

He dropped the glass cup as it shattered in a million pieces on the ground without keeping eye contact with me "w-what do you mean, I was only speaking the truth"

I looked at him with a confused face "But you said death, disappearance, and betrayal.... you left me hanging then cut me off when I was asking you a question"

He bent down and starter picking up the glass shards as he sighed "that's life big brother, some people either die, get betrayed by someone close to them or someone important to them just disappears without a trace. Sometimes the truth hurts"

I put my chin on my palm as my arm rested on my leg again "Okay Nash, I was just making sure"

He signed again and threw the glass shards into the trash then turned around "Well, that should be fine--" he then sat down on my couch "for now, so ima go to bed, night big brother"

I layed down on my "bed" as he layed down on my couch "Good Night Nash, I'll introduce you to her tomorrow"

He shifted in his position as he smiled and looked at me "Okay big brother, I look forward too it"

I smiled as I closed my eyes drifting off into a deep slumber.

























I woke up by someone shaking me have to death. I opened my eyes just to see my twin Nash looking extremely happy. I sat up and rubbed my eyes then looked at him.

I yawned and scratched the back of my head "Oh, hey Nash. What's up"

He sat down on my couch and smiled " I wanna meet your best friend Lucy already"

I stood up and started walking towards the bathroom "Oh yeah, maybe later she doesn't come to the guild this early"

He relaxed his shoulders and slouched on the couch "oh okay big brother, I'll see you at the guild"

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