Old Beginnings

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Zelda locked the door, deeming it safe for Orla to remove her headscarf.

"I'm guessing you didn't come back because of my new menu," Zelda took a seat at the bar next to her with her drink.

"No, I came for some advice. I don't know if Hunter told you when I left, but I connected with a dark-side user, who I can only assume is a Sith. I left to deal with it and I haven't made another connection since. I desperately want to go back and forget about it but now I know that someone particularly dangerous plus the empire knows I'm alive, I'm afraid to put the squad in danger. I can't connect with my master anymore so I have no one else to turn to."

Zelda hummed in thought "Though I am not the most qualified I do remember a wise jedi telling me that they follow where the force guides them which tends to be where their heart guides them. But it looks like fear is getting in the way exposing you to a sith which is probably why you were guided to Corascount."

"That does make sense. But I can't go back, not when I could be endangering them. I shouldn't be there so they can't track them down."

Zelda slammed her drink down dramatically, some of its contents jumping out onto the table. 

"Orla stop. Stop trying to chase the future. Stop trying to run to your fears while still being afraid. Let them come to you unafraid of them, so you can face them and have a shot of beating them. I mean we had this conversation before, when you wanted to run off to a rebellion that doesn't even exist. I wanted you to be patient. This is the same thing. Why do you think you haven't found them through the force?"

Orla couldn't believe what she was hearing. Zelda wasn't a Jedi but she was giving perfect Jedi advice. She wasn't going to find the Sith because the force won't allow it. She was chasing a fight she knew would happen eventually. She had to let it happen on its own.

"You're right I have to let the light guide me."

To Guide me back to Hunter

"I think I'm ready for my lightsaber now," Zelda smirked.


Back at Cid's, the Batch stood around a hologram ready for their next mission. A hologram of Castle Serenno appeared which Tech made sure he informed his group of.

"Who's that?" Omega asked, referring to Dooku as Castle Serenno was his former home.

"A Jedi who betrayed the republic and lead the separatists in a war," Echo said glaring at Dooku's luxury home. He imagined all the money and riches he earnt while his brothers died on the battlefield.

"With him dead, Dooku's entire war chest is up for grabs," Cid informed, "The empire's already pillaging his palace, but there's still time to strike before it's all gone."

Hunter only needed a moment to consider, going head-on against the empire to retrieve an enormous amount of money would put a target on his squad almost as big as Dooku's castle.

"Too much of a risk. You want that war chest, you go after it," Hunter declined.

"I am, that's what you guys are for," said Cid

Hunter left the meeting circle in a strop, refusing to negotiate with Cid. He sat down in a booth chair in the corner of Cid's parlour away from everyone else. Before he knew it Tech was already sneaking up to him probably ready with a list of reasons why they should take this job. Though his squad respected and followed Hunter's orders, this still didn't stop them from challenging them.

"So, what is the real reason you won't go after the war chest," tech was the first to oppose him.

"Too risky, end of story," said Hunter firmly, slamming his palm onto the table.

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