Lizards and racing

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Orla forced Zelda out of bed at the crack of dawn, pounding on the closed bar door. When Zelda finally stumbled out of bed to answer it, Orla was waving at the door, blends of pink and orange sunrise painted behind her. Sluggishly, she opened it and Orla practically skipped inside.

"You know what time it is?" Zelda rubbed her eyes which were still adjusting to the bright lights that Orla so kindly bestowed on her.

"Breakfast," Orla replied with a jovial tone.

"I'm not open yet."

"I'm your favourite customer."

"Says who."

"Says the eggs that will be on my plate in 15 minutes."

Zelda hummed.

"You open in an hour-"

"-and a half."

"Whatever, but by the time you've freshened up, eaten and prepped the bar you'll be all ready for opening. And I'll help set the tables and clean up so by the time we're all done we'll have time to spar to chat before the empire comes storming in."

This was the same stuff Orla would say when she would visit before, but this time it was different. When the empire comes she would have to leave and she wouldn't get to speak to her until closing and by that point, she would be too tired to engage in a conversation. She would be more happy about her plan after she had a shower.

"Fine. clean the tables while I have a shower."

Orla shot her a thumbs up and Zelda strolled by her and up the stairs. Orla would be surprised if she didn't flop back on her bed for another 10 minutes. Zelda wasn't a morning person, but lucky for her Orla was.

When Zelda had reentered refreshed and in a good mood they still had an hour to themselves. Orla was quick to clean the tables and set up the dishes, chairs, menus, and drinks so they could get on with breakfast. The smell of sizzling eggs and bacon filled the bar.

"So, how did yesterday go," Zelda asked, almost shouting over the noise of the cooking pan.

"Pretty good, we went to Sernno, Omega learned some life lessons. Very productive

"I meant with Hunter but good to know."

"Oh, not much to tell, he was happy to see me, but..."


Orla's thoughts trailed off to the previous night, Hunter had looked at her differently. She could only assume why but it seemed too ridiculous to say in her own mind.

"Last night he seemed different. I could sense his emotions to me have changed, softened in a way."

"It's because he's got a crush on you," Zelda said with a grin.

"Hunter does not have a crush on me."

"Oh, you poor thing it's not your fault you've never been introduced into the world of love and boys who don't have the emotional capability of being called men yet because they are still utterly useless." Zelda dramatically pressed the back of her hand to her head looking away from the pan very theatrically.

"Very funny. Im not sure... he was acting strange."

"Strange how?"

"Well last night, I was sitting outside and he was talking about when he first met me... something about thinking about that a lot and never wanting to stop thinking about me. And then he asked if I trusted him and then to close my eyes"

"Oh my gosh, he kissed you!" Zelda almost squealed like she was 16 years old again.

"No after hat we were ineruppted... Was that what he was going to do?"

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