An Old Friend

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Tech and Orla decided to head into the shopping areas of the race to gather some food (mostly for Wrecker). They had finished repairs and they both needed a break from TAY-0 before one of them knocked his head off. Orla was pleasantly surprised with the lack of troopers but decided to still keep most of her face hidden.

Tech had switched out most of his armour for civilian clothes as clone armour could draw some unnecessary attention and Orla added a jacket to hers in order to cover up her Phoniex tattoo on her back. She was disappointed but it was necessary as it would become one of her most recognisable features to the Empire.

Athena followed her from above and every time she looked up she was right above her following close by like her guardian angel.

"Why does that bird follow you." Tech looked up at Athena so much that he bumped into Orla's back, "Sorry."

"It's fine, and that bird is a Phoenix."

"I know that. That doesn't explain why it follows you everywhere."

"Actually, I don't know why. It found me on Coruscant and it just hasn't left my side, but it has a strong connection with the force."

"Is that why you left?" Tech asked bluntly referring to her month-long trip to Coruscant.

"Huh? Oh, right. Well no..."

Orla looked around, worried that someone might pick up their conversation.

"I'll tell you," she spotted a quiet area away from the stalls and the crowds. She beckoned her head over to it and Tech followed her. Orla leaned against the wall, arms folded, still wary that someone might be listening. Athena landed on her shoulder as she explained,

"I've been having visions or sometimes nightmares of a certain Sith or some kind of dark user." Orla could already see Tech's confused face at the very mention of the force, "Like Dooku."

"Ah, right."

"Well this dark side user used to be a jedi and I knew them well. I wasn't super close or even really friends with them but I knew them. Now I think the force had bonded us together, I don't know why. But I left because I was impatient and anxious to face them but when I tried exploiting the Sith, I stopped having these visions. It's like the force didn't want me to find them, so I accepted my fate and came back. I know this all might not make sense to you but-"

"It makes sense... well most of it anyway. But you don't have to worry about our squad. It's not your responsibility to protect us. Whatever it is you need to handle, Jedi-wise, you don't need to shut us out just because we're not jedi,"

This kind gesture surprised Orla, she knew how uncomfortable Tech could be when talking about feelings or emotions because neither of them really learnt how to properly express any.

"Thanks, Tech, for understanding."

"My pleasure."

Orla turned to look back at the crowds. They were gone. The streets were completely empty. A cold chill fell over her, like a gust of wind. Everything went silent.

"Tech?" Orla turned back and he was gone. Everyone was gone. Except Athena.

Then the same deep breathing she had heard after Yoda's message shot into her head. She jerked her whole body around and there he stood. The very person she had been after all along.


"Actually," the dark voice spoke, "Vader."

"How ironic I was just talking about you."

Vader didn't respond. Just stood quietly like a shadow.

"You're a coward for what you did," Orla spoke despite Vader's shyness.

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