In Tech We Trust

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The rest of them, even Millegi, also stood in shock. Wrecker laughed.

"What?... wha... he's not joking."

Tech had never looked so determined.

"I never stop a fool from giving his life to make me rich," Millegi walked away with money symbols practically sewn into his eyes.

"And how are you exactly are you going to race, let alone win," Orla asked, intrigued about what could have made Tech think so illogically

He waited until he was sure Millegi had left the scene before his eyes sparked with an idea, "with you."

"You know those pods are one-seater... I'm not sitting on your lap."

Tech slapped a hand to his forward, "No. I'm gonna need a Jedi to win this."

Orla matched Tech's smirk, "Ah... wait no way that's too risky."

"But we'll lose cid," Omega jumped in.

"I'm sorry omega but I don't care if we lose cid. I'm the second most wanted jedi, if anyone sees or senses me using the force I'm done for." Orla stopped herself. She told herself she was done being afraid but she also didn't want to take a risk if it wasn't worth it.

"I understand this is a big risk for you. But Cid could give us up if we don't. She hadn't mentioned it but I'm sure she's seen the wanted list of Jedi... with your name at the top. She knows you're a Jedi. She may have been somewhat of a Jedi informant during the Clone Wars but with the amount your worth she could easily give you up in exchange for her freedom."

Tech right, she didn't even think about Cid. Now her name was officially on the wanted list she could easily give her up if she rocked the boat with Cid. She was ashamed to be caught in the middle of Cid's unvocalised threats.

"You're right... We have to do this."

Orla could sense that Tech felt just as trapped as she did. But when she thought about it she realised that Tech was trusting her with his life. If Tech had that much faith in her hem she needed to have faith in herself that she could protect her squad.


As the commenter announced the start of the race, Orla sat deep into the TAY-0's lair where they had him repaired, his remaining parts were dumped back into the table which someone would eventually come back here for or would cid leave TAY-0 to rot after this predicament. Usually in deep meditation, she liked having her holocron with her but she left it on her ship back on Ord Mantell so she settled for her kyber crysteal which floated in front of her letting blue light up her corner. Closing her eyes she pictured the track. Tech lectured her about all the data he had gathered from the track so she could visualise it better. Even though she didn't need it she appreciated the thought as his voice scrambled with worry as he recited from his data tablet. Orla didn't think he was doing it for her benefit anyway. Each name the commenter announced slowly got quieter until she couldn't hear anything but the rumbling of Tech's pod. She needed to be one with the vehicle as well as the track and all of the other vehicles.

"Watch out for the blasted ship," Orla informed tech over comms. Tech didn't know what she meant until he dogged a ship flying out of control after being blasted by the lead racer only a few seconds into the game.

"Thanks" Tech breathed.

"That was just a warm-up."

"Tech you gotta be in front to win," Wrecker pointed out that Tech was in last place, "You know Orla can only help you not die, you have to be the one to win."

"I am aware and I have a plan, it's called strategy."

"No, it's called losing," Wrecker retaliated

Tech ignored him and continued his race.

"Tech don't take the left tunnel it's a death trap," Omega warned.

Orla zeroed into the death tunnel and it seemed that Tech and Orla shared the same idea as he asked for the schematics to be displayed on his screen.

"Right now? Shouldn't you be focused on not getting blown up?" Wrecker argued.

"That's my job, big guy," Orla pointed out and Wrecker didn't argue, "Tech watch out behind you theirs a pod about to shoot you down."

And she was right. Tech managed to dodge the first couple of shots with Orla's warning but the racer was still able to commit serious damage to Tech's shields

"Tech your shields are overheating!" Omega said in distress.

"Yes," Tech admitted calmly, "I am allowing for adequate energy to be distributed from weapons to shields. But I need more speed." To everyone's surprise, Tech made a pit stop to drop off his weapons claiming they were slowing him down.

"I have now increased speed and manoeuvrability," Tech defended.

"Yeah that's great but you're still in last place," Wrecker said dryly.

"There's a large part of the track missing," Omega cut in, "that's why the racers avoid it."

"It is also the shortest tunnel, good thing I have a backup," Tech referenced Orla who smirked and engaged another warning for him.

"Keep to the sides of the tunnel, if you're going fast enough you should make the jumps."


Tech made it out safely and sped past the other racer, finally out of last place but right behind Venmin making Tech a target. He deploys his large circular saw which emerges from the end of his ship, known to cut up his opponent's ship leaving them in the dust. Kane, who is just behind Tech, is ready with his retractable hook. However, thanks to Orla's warning, Tech is ready and dodges the attack and instead, it latches onto Venim. Tech reverses back to avoid the two ships crashing but speeds up to chase after them as the other two spiral out of the tunnel towards the finish line.

Tech, Venom and Kanewere blanketed in dust out of sight from the audience above. Impulsively Orla reached out through the force giving Tech's ship one last push to make sure he crossed that finish line first. And he did, miles ahead as the other racers are ironically left in the dust.

Orla appeared from her cave to see Wrecker and Omega jumping for joy and the crowd roaring for Tech, chanting his name. Orla took a step back watching Tech soak up his victory before congratulating him.

Tech turned after giving the crowd a thankful salute to see Orla standing behind him, removing her scarf to reveal her beaming smile. Her kyber crystal was still glowing blue around her neck until it settled down.

"You did it," Pride glowed from every inch of her body.

"You sound surprised," more like relived. Orla patted him on the back and she was surprised to see his hand being offered to her, offering her a handshake. Usually, it was other people offering Tech these gestures as he wasn't a fan of affection or touch so Orla accepted it with gratitude.

"I really do have to thank you. I know that was risky," Tech thanked with a small smile

"I really didn't do much it was all you, but thank you for trusting me."



A trooper watched the race from a screen inside. Around him, other citizens tiptoed around him practically sweating as they walked by. But he didn't care. He wasn't sent to test the citizen's fears.

Looking up at the crowd victor he spotted someone lurking in the background. He captured the image and waited for a clearer shot. Faded away in the background was a faint tint of blue coming from a tall slender girl with dark brown hair.

"We've located the Holocron holder," the trooper informed into his comm, "Tell the emperor I have his Jedi." 

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