A Masters Training

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The Jedi Temple 22BBY

The beginning of the Clone Wars. Jedi everywhere have transitioned from peacekeeping wielders of the force to generals or commanders taking a large role in a galaxy-wide war. This change of responsibility left Orla's training with Yoda scarce. She was a master and she didn't need much one-to-one training but now she felt as if she didn't have a master at all. Thankfully there were some days when Yoda wasn't in an important meeting, seeing the chancellor, teaching younglings or fighting on the field where he would teach her important lessons that in the future made her a better Jedi. This one in particular was especially important.

"Yoda?" Orla knocked on the door of the biggest training area in the temple. A large enough space for dualing tournaments or training simulations especially the newer ones that replicate the battle droids. But the room was empty apart from Yoda meditating in the centre of the room.

"Master Dume, come in please," Yoda greeted respectfully with a bow which Orla returned. This was one of the things she loved most about being a master. More responsibilities meant more respect and she could almost hear Yodas pride as he greeted her with the title "master."

"Training I have for you. A challenge it is, but crucial for your next stage in your training," Yoda stood up and opened up the weapons at the back of the room, retrieving a torch that was lit by fire. Orla questioned the training theme in mind.

"Learn to control fire you will if you wish to learn Emerald Lightning," Yoda informed passing Orla the torch

"Lightning? Sith lighting?"

"No," Yoda said sternly, "this type of lightning is not unleashed through anger but an act of justice. To kill it is not for but to stun your opponent. Learn to absorb Sith lightning and fire it back, you will also learn."

After Yoda had come face to face with his old apprentice Dooku, seeing some of his best jedi; Anakin Skywalker and Obi-wan almost defeated by him worried him. Yoda feared there was much still to learn if they were to come face to face with a wielder of the dark force. Before then and the dual between Qui-gon, Obi-wan and Sith apprentice Darth Maul, the Sith had not been seen in over 1000 years so Yoda underestimated their power once they had returned. He feared he could be sending his Jedi unprepared and unready to face such a threat. Though he did not plan to teach such dangerous skills to other eager jedi knights or masters, he knew he could trust Orla with this skill.

"Then how is fire related?" Orla questioned.

"A dark energy force fire can be. A killing machine it is compared to the other elements. Similar to lighting this is. To be able to control, harness and move large amounts of dark energy without giving into its power then face a Sith you can."

"How can I give into fire or lightning... it can't tell me to join the dark side."

Yoda let out an airy laugh at the subtle quip, "No but with fire, harness its energy you could and make it bigger. Enough to wipe out your opponent. Similar to lightning. Feel powerful and invincible you will feel with its energy but choosing not to give in makes you more powerful."

"I understand master."

"Good. Begin we shall," Yoda returned to his teaching spot in the centre, "feel the fire, the heat, the sound, the force flowing through it."

Orla closed her eyes. She felt the heat of the flames by her cheek, the cracking sound of the flame, and she could feel the force flowing in the same direction as the flames.
"Move it," Yoda instructed.

Orla moved the flame as she would move any object but this time she was careful and gentle. The fire was small but still unstable and a wrong move could cause her to put out the flame or give it more energy, making the fire bigger. She didn't plan on burning down the entire temple today.

"Good," Yoda watched carefully as she moved the flame side to side, "Now pick it up."
Orla hesitated, "Won't I burn my hand?"

"Open you must be to its energy then no fear or pain you will endure."

Trusting her master's teachings, she was able to lift the fire out of the torch, letting it rest in her hands. She felt the energy rush over her like an adrenaline rush. So much power, in the palm of her hands. But she kept the fire to its original size careful to not give into its power.

"Well done. Pick up fast I knew you would. Continue moving it you can, from palm to palm."

Orla passed the fire between each hand slowly, the flame spread out and flowed in the shape of a snake from side to side. She then passed the flame to Yoda who grasped it. Somehow, he was able to put it out using just the force and brushed the ashes off his hands as the flames evaporated.

"With lightning, the same thing occurs except in a much stronger level."

"How strong?"

"Show you I cannot. This is why we use fire, the closest it is to a Sith's lightning. If you become up against it trust in your training you must. For now..." Yoda returned to the weapons room and received a small flame thrower similar to the Mandalorian weapon but one that could fit on Yoda's small wrist, "...we must improvise
Oh jeez this is gonna end well

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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