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Hunter, Wrecker and Orla managed to sneak out of the elevator shaft uninjured and unidentified by the empire. They looked around, expecting to hear footsteps of soldiers approaching them. For once it was silent and clear to sneak into the only room not covered by the regs... yet.

"The regs have all the entry points to the castle surrounded," said Wrecker looking over at the view of the city from their literal only window out of this place.

"Not all of them," Hunter pointed out towards the city, "Our entry point is down."

Wrecker sighed understanding this was going to be another exploitation of his worst fear, "I knew you were going to say that."

Hunter secured the grappling hook and threw it over, "We'll use the city's ruins for cover and trek back to the Marauder."

Orla and Wrecker started their journey back down to lower ground. As Wrecker knelt down Orla offered Wrecker a helping hand, not forgetting his fear of heights. With one shaky hand, he accepted and Hunter contacted Tech through comms but some strange noises lurked in the background, like the sound of air wooshing as you're falling...

"We are using an alternate mode of transport, my calculations have us crashing towards the upper forest regions of the planet."


The very words perked Orla's ears. She peaked back up the platform,

"Did I hear crashing?"

"All I can hear is falling," Wrecker's entire body clung to the thin string of wire, looking down at the trees below, "do you think the trees would catch my fall?"

"You're not gonna fall, and if you do I'll catch you," Orla reassured.

"Oh right," Wrecker's voice brightened, "I forgot you had the force, that does help a little bit."

Orla and Wrecker steadily slid down the wire together while Hunter sped past them, eager to get to the rest. Hunter had been dealing with Wrecker's fear for a lot longer and learned to put the mission before Wrecker's fears. Fortunately for Wrecker, Orla hadn't learnt this yet.

"You know after this I could teach you how to help your fear of heights," Orla offered, jumping down from the wire.

"How?" this seemed to interest Hunter. The idea of not having to hold Wrecker's hand through every mission sounded too good to be true/

"You'll see," Orla winked, pursuing the city.

The city lay in pieces, pieces of large rocks and dents in the gravel from bombs that they had to climb over or jump down from. A few ships flew over ever so often but they blended in perfectly into the mess. However, that didn't stop the Empire from landing right in the middle of its path, forcing the others to hide beneath the rubble.

"They're setting up a perimeter," Orla identified.

"Like that'll stop us," Wrecker scoffed.

"They'll monitor comm channels, said Hunter, "Havoc two, the fourth sun is setting plan double zero."

"You really need to teach me those codes," said Orla.

"All in good time."


Hunter, Orla and Wrecker were forced to hide out until sundown. Hunter kept watching through his binocs monitoring the Empire's position.

"We need to break through their ranks, Do you have any explosives?" Hunter asked.

"Nothing that'll do any damage," Wrecker sighed with disappointment missing his trusty explosive devices.

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