6 | grundy county auction

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[  season 1 — episode 04  ]

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[ season 1 — episode 04 ]

"NO FUCKING WAY!" Allora shouted. "You're absolutely mental for thinking it's better."

"The storyline is better and it's funnier!" Daisy argued.

"Grown Ups 2 is not better than the first one," she insisted.

The pair were sitting in the staff room, eating their lunch while killing time before their next lessons. Daisy had offhandedly quoted the sequel when Allora heated up her soup in the microwave, and now the two were arguing over which was better.

"The second one doesn't even have Rob and his hot daughters in it," Allora told her. "Plus, the fucking water park scene is hilarious."

"But it doesn't have the frat boys or the big party," she fought back. "Plus all that happens in one day which makes it even more chaotic and silly."

"I can't with you," Allora said, shaking her head. "Absolutely no taste. You're probably just saying all that because the sequel has Taylor Lautner in it."

"Am not!" Daisy insisted. "I'm Team Edward all the way."

She scoffed and leaned back. "Team Rosalie. What a babe she is, yeah?"

"Not wrong there," she finally agreed, taking another bite of her sandwich. Though really, Emmett was her favorite. "Hey, what are you doing this weekend?"

"Nothing much unless I can pick up a girl at Mae's in the next few days," she said, shrugging. "Why? Wanna watch the movies?"

"Oh, no, there's this charity gala thing that Rebecca puts on every year, and I get to bring a plus one," she explained. "Thought you might like something like that. Well, and I don't really know that many people either. But I get it if me hangin' out with my boss isn't alright."

"Daisy, there's nothing wrong with it," Allora said, smiling at her. "We are friends, you know?"

"We are?" she asked, perking up a little. It was nice to have the confirmation that Allora wasn't just being nice to her out of politeness.

"Of course," she laughed. "And I'd love to go. I know they raised a ton of money last year with that footballer auction. It'll be interesting to see how it goes without Rupert Mannion running things."

"Rebecca's got this," Daisy said confidently. "She's been so focused on every little detail so that it'll go smoothly. It'll be a great night."

"Well, thank you for inviting me. It's been a long time since I went anywhere nice."


The day of the charity gala arrived, and Daisy found herself at the Richmond facility to watch training. Two days earlier, the team lost another match, and according to Ted and Beard, a huge fight broke out in the locker room between Jamie and Roy. No one knew who, but one of the team members filmed it and sent it to a news outlet. The captain was angry about how far behind they were at the halfway point, and Jamie was making some rude comments to Sam and also made some remarks about Roy's age. After the fight was broken up, the team played even worse in the last half of the match.

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