25 | lonely

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[ look, this next chapter is short because let's be honest — these are the two clingiest bitches in the world and they're alright with that ]



[ season 2 — episode 7 ]

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[ season 2 — episode 7 ]

WHEN DAISY WOKE UP, she didn't need to open her eyes to know whose strong arms she was wrapped up in. She just snuggled into Roy's hold even more, and a second later, he was letting out a groan, waking up as well. So, she turned in his arms and smiled sleepily up at him, the same love-struck look on his own face.

"Hey, babe."

"Hi, baby," she said before hiding her face in his shoulder to try and get some more sleep, loving how he tightened his arms around her.


Daisy hummed a song from Glee underneath her breath as she got the milk out of her fridge to add to her travel cup of coffee. And when she closed it, Roy was leaning against the counter just behind the door, his own cup of tea in hand.

"Morning," he greeted, leaning down to kiss her.

"Morning," she sighed happily against his lips, leaning into his touch.


The couple walked hand in hand through the Richmond facility, Daisy greeting everyone they passed as Roy just grunted and nodded in recognition. Then just before they stopped to part so that Roy could go to his office and Daisy could go say hi to Rebecca, Daisy tugged on his hand.

"I'm gonna go get one of those breakfast sandwiches from the café."

"Oh, cool. Can I come?" he asked, not wanting to part from her.

"Yes, please," she said, letting him lead the way.

He smiled and brought their joined hands to his face to kiss the back of her hand, neither one noticing Jamie as they passed, who looked like someone had just kicked his puppy.


Keeley and Daisy were intertwined on Rebecca's couch, who was sitting up and frantically worrying about how to respond to some man that she'd been talking to on Bantr. She'd left the poor boy on read for two days now.

"Oh, my God. Just answer him. It's been two days," Keeley said, sighing in annoyance.

"It's just stringin' him on at this point," Daisy agreed.

"I don't know what to say," Rebecca whined.

"How about the truth?" Higgins asked. "I'd love to meet up, but I'm worried that you can't live up to the fantasy I've created in my head. So I'm going to let my insecurities  keep me from possibly finding my one true love."

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