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[  season 1 — episode 05  ]

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[  season 1 — episode 05  ]

THE DAY FINALLY ARRIVED WHEN MICHELLE AND HENRY were going to visit them at Richmond. While Daisy was excited, she wasn't quite as jumpy as her father, who couldn't take his eyes off his phone, following the flight that was headed their way. On the walk to work, Daisy held onto the back of his sweater, guiding him in the correct directions.

When Daisy saw Higgins giving his wife a kiss goodbye after being dropped off, she smiled. But then she spotted the four boys crammed in the back and cringed, having no idea how big his family was. It was a little shocking.

"Morning, Ted, Daisy," Higgins called as they passed.


"Hey, Higgins," Ted greeted, finally looking back at him and away from his phone. But he kept walking, and Daisy didn't have enough time to pull him back before he rammed into the security gate that was only partially rolled up, which he'd usually crouch to avoid when he got there that early.

Daisy covered her mouth and winced as her father dropped, his forehead aching. But she couldn't help but laugh when she overheard one of Higgins' sons ask, "Is he dead?"

"I don't figure," Daisy called out while checking on her dad. He rolled over, a big red mark on his forehead. "I don't ever wanna hear you say anything about youngins being addicted to their phones."

"I understand your point, but right now, there are two of you, so maybe make fun of me later."

After getting Ted back on his feet with Higgins' help, Daisy went and got an ice pack meant for the players so that Ted could hold it to his forehead. And despite his headache, her father was still determined to bring Rebecca her biscuits for the day. And Rebecca was both unamused by Ted sitting down to tell her about hurting himself and also wishing she'd been there to see it herself — she'd have to pull up the security footage for a laugh.

"I mean, you know, it's my fault for staring at my phone. I just can't stop checking on my family's flight. You know, I haven't shared this with too many folks, but, um, Michelle and I, we've been having some marital issues," Ted mumbled.

Rebecca looked at Daisy for half a second, recalling her less-than-happy reaction to finding out Michelle was coming. "Ted, you really don't have to talk about this if you don't want to," she told him, shaking her head.

"Oh, I don't mind," he said, waving her off. "Tried couples therapy. Didn't like the other couple though."

Daisy just smiled weakly as her father chuckled, wishing that he wouldn't joke about it so much to ignore his feelings.

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