Chpt 3 ~ For the first time

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We finished the movie together and Hobie fell asleep. I slowly pushed his head off mine and moved his arm from around me slowly putting him to lay down on the couch. I took the bowl I used for the popcorn and went to the kitchen to clean it, as I was in there I figured I'd do all the other dishes too.

When I was done I tried to move quietly over to check if he was still asleep so when I peeked over the couch his eyes were open. He smiled and pulled me down by my arm.

"HOBIE!" I fell on top of him.

He hugged me tight as we laid together. I let my head rest on his chest and I could hear his heartbeat.

"Thank you for letting me crash here." I finally said to him

"Of course luv anything you need"

I smiled as I got up off him.

"Well I'm getting tired, I'm gonna go to bed" I said as I began to stretch

"You mean you're going to steal my bed and make me sleep on the couch" he got up as well

"You know your always invited to join me" I winked at him.

"No thank you, I rather not have to deal with your nasty drool and sleep talking." He laughed

"I don't not drool! Or sleep talk! " I play hit him.

"Yeah okay."

"Really?" I said walking over to his room. "What do I say then?"

"Oh-" he followed me into the room "you say all sorta of crazy things.. seems like you dream a lot about me"

"You wish" I scoffed fluffing my pillow before setting it back down.

"Oh no it's true"

I laughed a little as I looked back at him

"Hobie go away"


"Nah? What you mean nah?"

"It's my room y/n"

"Not while I'm here"

"Really" he said looking at me as he crossed his arms and leaning on the doorway.

"Yea" I said turning off the lamp and getting under the covers.

He walked towards me and picked me up. I let out a shriek.

"Hobie! No!" I laughed

He carried me to the couch and dropped me on the couch.

"We switch places"


He walked over to the room and I got up chasing after him and jumped into bed beside him giggling.

"Y/n" he said


"Get out of my bed"


He shook his head smiling and I hugged him.
"Y'know appreciate you right?"

"Yea I know" he said

I smiled laying on his chest as he rubbed my back.
We fell asleep immediately, his touch was warm
And him being close made me feel safe
The next morning I woke up to a terrible yelling of a familiar voice once again.

It was Miguel.
My heart dropped
I was no longer in bed or in Hobie's dimension. I was back at spider society.

"Just let her out! She's not gonna help you like this!" I heard spider woman yell

"SHE HAS NO OTHER CHOICE" Miguel yelled back

"This is why your relationship is fucked up Miguel! You fuck them up!"

"Shut up! SHUT UP!"

I stood up from the table they had me on.
"What the fuck is this" I said

I looked around the secluded room. It was only Miguel and Spiderwoman.

"What the hell?" I said looking around Why would he do this? What was his plan?

"Stay calm y/n" Miguel said


"You're here because you're gonna be the one to help me find Miles."


"Y/n" he said holding my shoulders
"FUCK OFF MIGUEL LET ME OUTTA HERE" I said looking for a door.

Spider woman crossed her arms staring at Miguel giving him an I told you so look as I went around looking for an exit. 
I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around slowly

"Where's Hobie?" I asked making eye contact with both of them.

"He's safe and sound probably still sleeping"
I let out a sigh of relief.

Miguel sighed "it doesn't have to be this way y/n just agree-"

"Oh fuck you! You want the kid to just sit back and watch his dad die? Fuck You, you're sick!"

"ITS CANON- y/n- Jesus, no puedo no puedo mas"

"Whatever Im not helping you"

"I'm out" Spider Woman left the room through a skylight with her web shooter

"Are-are you fucking serious?!" I looked up at the skylight and then back at Miguel. I was only in PJs there was no way out of here unless Miguel helped me.

"Oh you're evil." I said backing into the corner of this damn empty room.

I slid down the wall and sat down knees to chest.
Miguel walked over to me.

"Mija, all Im asking is that you help me find the boy." He knelt down in front of me.

I rolled my eyes looking away.

"There will consequences for the both of you, I'm going to find him one way or another.. but if you help me maybe I won't be so harsh on him."

"Fuck You! You better not hurt him."

As much as I loved Miguel, right now he's not doing much to keep that love.

"I don't plan on hurting anyone. Unless I have to"
He said lifting my chin.

I looked away.

He got up and backed away.

"Let me know when you're ready" he stood under the skylight and shot his web up and away he fuckin went.

I let out a sigh putting my head down as the only thing I could think about was Hobie. We slept together.

For the first time.

I will always fight for you ~Hobie x Reader Where stories live. Discover now