Chpt 5 ~ is it okay?

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"Hobie! Take my wristband!" I took off mine and put it on his wrist.

"No!" He said but he couldn't stop me.

"Y/n no!" Miguel yelled coming closer to us.

"Holy shit- RUN!"

Hobie picked me up and ran.
I glitched in his arms.

"Fucking shit." It felt like stab wounds being stabbed in the same spot over and over again. Like creating a wound that was already there. It was painful. Felt like ong being split into three, shit, maybe even four. Feeling like someone ended you but then you continue to feel the pain so you're not really done. And you'd only see black for that moment. Now I was scared for my life. When would the last glitch be? When will I permanently only see black?

My heart beat fast and I looked behind Hobie, Miguel was catching up.

"Hobie- maybe we should st-" I glitched again in his arms.

"I got you y/n!"

"No! Stop running! It's no use, see what Miguel wants.

"If he touches you i will not run this time." He said finally stopping. We stopped. Behind us was a closed door- if he tried anything we could run through there.

Miguel slowed down and stopped in front of us.

"Y/n" he said

"Leave Hobie out of this!"

"Are you going to help me"

"If you leave Hobie out of this." I said crossing my arms but then glitching again falling to my knees.

"Fine." Miguel said. "Do anything stupid you'll never be trusted again."

He reactivated Hobie's watch and gave me mine tossing it over to me as I caught it.

"Okay...I have to go back to Hobie's universe to get my stuff. Is that okay." I said spacing out my words talking to him like he was slow.

He looked at me giving me a 'really?' Face
"Yes or no"

"Yea whatever- just make sure you're back in 24 hours- or else" I rolled my eyes and opened a portal. Hobie and I went through it.


"Holy Fuck that was annoying." I said falling back on his couch.

"Yea... you're not really going to help him right?" Hobie asked making his way to the kitchen.

"And you're not really gonna cook without getting comfy first right?"

"Right." He said taking off his suit and making his way to his room to change.

"Hell no I'm not gonna help Miguel. I'll go with him and if we do find Miles I'm getting him the hell outta there!" I said

"Really?" Hobie Said "How? Miguel always finds you."

"Well I know I won't let Miguel hurt the kid."

"Oh so you're gonna protect him."


"What about his dad?"

"Oh shit yea..he gonna wanna stay for his dad... shit..."

"Yea" Hobie said coming back out his room and walking towards the kitchen.

"I'll help him save his dad too."

"Don't you uh..want me to be there? Y'know just in case?"

"Aww look at you my Knight in shining armor."
"Shut it" he said turning on the stove to start cooking.

"You could come, tag along.. I'd appreciate it.



I turned on the tv and started watching it.

"Y/n?" Hobie Said as I heard the sizzle from the pan.


"Don't you think your universe needs saving?"

"Please- you know my universe isn't as corrupted as yours, we take place in the future, y'know, a utopia." I said brushing him off

"Villains still exist y/n"

"They'll be fine, plus I can't fight on an empty stomach Hobie."

"Y/n." He stopped what he was doing to turn and look at me.

"Ok ok I'll go." I said getting up.

I walked over to Hobie's room throwing on my spider suit and activating my watch to create a portal.

"No goodbye?" Hobie's said

"I'm gonna be back real soon. Watch. There gonna be nothing for me to do back home"

"Y/n" he walked up to me.

"Don't let the food burn!"

"Relax." He said giving me a hug. I hugged him back with a smile. It was moments like these that I really felt at ease.

"Okay, go, dinner will be here when you get back." He said

"Thank you." I went through the portal.

Going through the portal I thought about it. It's only been a few days since I been back in my universe, not much could have changed right

I will always fight for you ~Hobie x Reader Where stories live. Discover now