Chpt 7 ~ Deep

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"Y/n? You alright? What the hell happened?"

"Electro happened."

"Shit. It looks bad, real bad. Were gonna have to fix the suit and patch you up."

"Yea" I said weakly as Hobie put me down to lay on the couch.

He brought me some clothes to change into as he looked away to respect my privacy.
As I took off my suit I started bleeding from my waist, It seemed to be that the suit was stopping the blood from coming. I slid on the shorts hobie gave me but not the shirt cause I would've gotten blood on it.

"Hobie- small problem."


"Im bleeding"

He was about to turn around but then stopped himself.
"Can I turn around to see?"

"Yea" he turned around and stared at me as I held my side.

He walked up to me and moved my hands slowly.

"Shit y/n" he ran to the bathroom to grab bandages for my hip as it was bleeding and coming down fast.

"The hell happened?!"

"I don't know must've been when I hit the ground" I said in pain.

Hobie wrapped the bandage around my waist tightly to stop the bleeding and then pulled me in close for hug.

"Next time you call me, I'll be there in a heartbeat" I heard him kiss the top of my head as it gave me butterflies inside. I hugged him back tightly and I looked up at him.

"You kissed the top of my head."

"I'm sorry" he said avoiding eye contact and letting me go.

I smiled and held his face bringing him more down and kissing him and he wrapped his arms around my back and picked me up.

I smiled when we pulled away.

He smiled slightly.

"Hobie, I really like you"

"The feeling is mutual" he replied with a bigger smile.

I kissed him again and without breaking the kiss he carried me into his room and set me down on the bed.

"You need some rest. It's late and we gotta get back to spider society tomorrow."

"What about my dinner"

"I'll bring it to you" he kissed my forehead and walked back towards the kitchen to get my food.
He brought me a whole meal. (Your favorite)
"Hobie- oh my god-"

"You haven't ate all day y/n you have to eat it"

"This is a lot" I said

"I know"

"Thank you so much Hobie" I smiled and it smelled amazing but it was more than what I usually ate, however I golfed it down, I guess I was quite hungry.

When I was done Hobie took the plate back to the kitchen. I thank him again before getting up to grab a drink. When I got to the kitchen he was already pouring it for me.

"Oh- you don't have to."

"Shh just relax" he said handing me the drink
I smiled and took it drinking from it.

"You're hurt you need rest"

"I'm strong" I say with a smile

"I bet you are luv but you still need rest." He pulls me closer and kissed my forehead. We make our way back to bed and I lay down as Hobie lays down beside me.

"Bleh you still smell like food" I laugh as i move away from him.

"I do?" He chuckled and sits up taking off his shirt and laying back down beside me pulling me close again.

I was speechless.


"Better?" He asked

I stayed silent. Even in the dark you could still see his perfectly brown abs, there wasn't much light in the room at all, in fact it was almost pitch black with slight light coming from the windows. The moon was shining. I smiled even though I didn't want to and layed my head on his chest as he rubbed my back I felt relaxed and safe, i held him close and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and Hobie was
in the living room he had set up a desk in front of the tv. He was fixing my suit while watching tv.
I yawned as I walked towards him taking a seat next to him on the couch.

"You're finally up?" He asked looking over at me with a smile

"No Im asleep" I responded laying back on the couch

"Funny." He went back to fixing the suit
I sat back up "y'know you don't have to do that right?"

"Y/n who else is going to fix the suit?"


"You're hurt you need all the rest you can get!"

"I'm fine!"



"Y/n" he glared at me. His wicks were still in place and his lips were plump I couldn't help but stare, his posture, he wore a tank top that fit him perfectly, right around his chest and outlined his perfectly toned abs, his feet on the ground relaxed, only his upper body was tense because he was glaring at me.

I opened my mouth to say something but then closed it feeling defeated as nothing came out.
He continued to work on the suit as I watched him. He worked fast and sewed back the ripped parts. His hands were steady and he knew what he was doing.

I wanted to stay out of his way so I just walked off into the kitchen to get myself a glass of water.

"Y/n sit." He said

"What am I your dog? No."

"Y/n" he looked back at me.


"Just come sit with me please"


"I don't want you to move around to much, that wound in your hip is big and deep. It'll start bleeding again."

"I'm fine Hobie"

"Y/n seriously"

I ignored him as I continued to the kitchen. I started pour myself a cup of water as I heard him stand up.

He made his way towards me and pull my waist from behind and I smiled leaning back on him, he hugged me.

I couldn't help but smile

"You gon let me do anything?" I asked

"No. You need to get better."

"I'm fine"

"You're obviously not!"

"I let my head fall back as I looked up at him, he smiled and it warmed by heart, no way I could be mad at him.

"I appreciate you Hobie"

He kissed my forehead.

"Now go get some rest luv"

"Thank you but I promise you I don't need it."
Hobie sighed with a smile and then gave up.


I smiled following him back to the couch and I watched tv with him as he fixed my suit. Until Hobie got a knock on his door.

I watched him get up to open it and in came Gwen blabbering about her Dad and Miles and Miguel and just how we were never going to find Miles and how worried she was about everything.
She basically let herself in pushing past Hobie.

I will always fight for you ~Hobie x Reader Where stories live. Discover now