Chpt 4 ~ Why he Stays Away

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After a few hours pass by I was still locked in this room. Miguel has not comeback and no one else knows where I am.
Only thing I have is the dumb wristband to keep me from glitching out of existence. I assume Miguel took my watch.
Hobie must be worried sick by now...what am I gonna do. What about Miles? Man I felt like pulling my hair out.
I stood up and kicked the wall the yelled out

No luck.

I sucked my teeth.
Fucking shit. What am I gonna do now..
I started walking in circles. I was gonna go crazy in there, I stopped after a while. Looked around. Only thing in the room was the table I woke up on. There didn't seem to be any doors. There was literally no way out other than that skylight in the ceiling.

I thought for a long minute.

How come Miguel never came back for me?

No one knows where I am, not even I know where the hell I am. The room might be sound proof.. I'm not sure. Temperatures warm. I looked up one more time. No way outta here. I don't have my web-shooters, those are back at Hobie's place with the rest of my suit. What the hell.
"MIGUEL!" I yelled out again.


I got no response


I got no response again. I sucked my teeth and fell to my knees. letting out a loud yell not in pain but in frustration.

"Y/n? is that you?" I heard from above me.

I looked up immediately. "Pav? Oh my god!" I let my head fall in my hands with a sigh of relief.
Pav used his webs to jump down into the room with me.

"You ok? Jeez Hobie's been looking all over for you." Pav said putting a hand on my shoulder.
I stood up immediately and hugged him.

"Please I don't know how long I've been in here, please take me back."

"Yea of course- why...are you here?"

"Stupid Miguel, holding me hostage, he wants me to help him find Miles"

"Why you?"

"I don't know, he thinks i know him best, maybe he wants me to change his mind."

Pav stayed silent.

"What time is it?" I asked

"I think 7, 8pm?"

Oh my god




"I don't get it. Is he like your boyfriend or something?"

"Uh-" I went silent. 

Pav smiled immediately catching on.

"He is isnt he?"

"NO! No hes not..yet"

"Yet" Pav said poking me

"Oh my god just get me out of here please before Miguel comes back!"

"Okay! okay!" Pav wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me close then looked up before shooting the webshooter upwards and away we went.

When we got outside I looked around- it was definitely still spider society but where the hell.. it was like a part of the HQ that I've never seen before.

"Pav- how'd you find me?" I asked he swung with me by his side.

"I was just wandering, heard you yelling."


"Hobie should be just around the corner not too far, he's been all gloomy about not being able to find you" Pav said as he continued to swing.

I stayed silent and when we left the spider dungeons (still unsure what the hell it was tbh) we were back to regular HQ.

Pav set me down and there was Hobie. His back facing me. He hadn't seen us yet.
I thought to just tap his shoulder but I hugged him from behind instead not being able to contain my self.

"HEY!" He yelled pushing me off him. "I don't do hugs!"

Then he saw my face. "Y/n?" He pulled me in for hug and held me tight

"I'm glad you're okay. Where the hell were you?! You just up and left from bed this morning!"

"I didn't. Hobie you think I would leave your place to come to headquarters in my pajamas?!"

"My pajamas" he corrected me.

I couldn't help but smile a little

"Yea yours."

"So What happened?"

"Miguel happened. Thought it would be okay to hold me hostage to make me help him with finding Miles"

"Miguel" he said. Hobie's smile immediately faded. "Miguel took you?"


Hobie held my face. "Did you eat today luv?"

I shook my head.

"I'm gonna take you home and cook you something to eat okay?"

I nodded.

"No you're not" I heard Miguel come up behind us.

Hobie turned around immediately pushing me behind him.

"She stays" Miguel said

"Miguel she ain't helping you"

I put my hand on Hobie's arm "Hobie it's fine I can talk to him.

"You wont" Hobie said not even looking at me.

He gave Miguel and mean glare and Miguel stood there. Chest puffed out and all confident. Like he knew that he was going to get me either way. He wasn't worried about either of us getting away. 

"Miguel leave us." Hobie said

"No" Miguel said standing his ground

I looked at Hobie then Miguel. Miguel was too relaxed. I thought Hobie was going to pounce any moment now.

"Let's go y/n" Hobie said finally turning his head.

"Go?" I repeated.

"Yea Fuck this"

Hobie turned to the side and started pressing his watch, only.. it didn't work.. he tried to open up a portal to his dimension but it wouldn't work..nothing on the watch worked.

"Hobie?" I said worriedly

"Give me a second"

He kept pushing buttons on the watch, the watch wouldn't even glow anymore.

Hobie grunted and turned back to face Miguel

"What the hell did-" Hobie glitched before he could finish his sentence. He fell to his knees immediately.

"HOBIE!" I tried to help him back up.

I looked up at Miguel for a moment. He seemed proud of himself. Accomplished. He stood there arms crossed, chest puffed and smirk on his face.
I helped Hobie back up.

"You okay?"

"Yea Im fine" he glitched again.

"You're not!" I cried

Hobie was breathing hard and I could tell his was in pain. He stared at Miguel with such hatred.

Maybe now things are becoming much clearer as to why Hobie stays away from this place.

I will always fight for you ~Hobie x Reader Where stories live. Discover now