Chpt 6 ~ We cant fall yet

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I arrived in Times Square in my universe.

Thank god I had my mask on.

I looked around, everything seemed perfectly fine. Place was crowded as always.

"Spider-Woman! Can we get a selfie?!" A group of girls came up to me all giddy and jumpy.

"Uh not right now babe I got places to be!" I said in the most polite way as I swung away.

I started swinging through the city, making sure everything was in check. Seemed fine.
I swung down to Brooklyn.
Spidey senses told me to head over there.
Not sure why.
When I got there I sat on top of a lamp post. Searched for a threat but there was none.
I jumped down from the lamppost and walked around the dark streets of Brooklyn Brownsville.
"This is such a waste.. No one's even here. My Spidey senses must be fucked up" I said to myself as I walked down the street.

"That they are my love" I heard a familiar voice behind me. I stopped dead in my tracks and without even turning around I knew who it was.

"What do you want Electro"

"I know you missed me"

"Not a fucking chance" I said turning around to face him.

He walked up towards me and lifted my chin.

"Not even a little bit?" He said. The raspy voice threw me off completely.

"You been smoking or something?" I asked fanning my nose like he stank.

He threw a little shock at me making me stumble back a bit as he groaned.

"As I become stronger my voice becomes slightly deeper.. not my cup of tea but as long as I'm able to defeat you spider-woman."

"Yea right" I said as I shot a web at him webbing him up and spinning him around "in your dreams"  I said dropping him on the ground.

Electro smirked and charged up his powers before breaking free from the webs. I took a step back shocked. I was so shocked I froze, he made it seem so easy. I swung back up and on top of the lamppost and he followed me as he rose up and tried to strike me with his electricity shock I dodged with a backflip off the lamppost and pulled myself up onto the top of a building.

"This fight won't be so easy for you." He said with a evil laugh.

He put an arm out towards a lamppost and it seemed to connect him to all the electricity on the block.

"Electro, give up now!" I yelled as I jumped down from the building and attacked him from behind punching him and then doing a backflip off of him.

"Not a chance." He said throwing another shock at me and missing as I swung the other way.

As I swung I accidentally attached my web to a lamppost. One of the lamppost that electro was connected to. Oh how I regretted it immediately. The shock was so intense I let go of my web immediately and hit floor. Real hard. I jumped back up in pain holding my side.
I heard electro laugh and he ran towards me. I shot my web to a building and tried to pull myself up. Electro caught up just in time grabbing my leg and pulling me back down to throw a punch to my face and hit me with his electricity bolt in my hip.

I fell on my back but I sat back up immediately.
"Elect-" I couldn't even finish. The pain was unbearable. It was nothing like getting electrocuted by an outlet it was way worse, I felt like I was being shocked by lightning.
Electro threw another punch at my rib cage and then my jaw.

"Learn to stay away from a city that ain't yours." He said as he threw another punch.

"The city-" I felt weak.

I will always fight for you ~Hobie x Reader Where stories live. Discover now