Chapter 13

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Pippy and Aiden stood patiently on the largest mushroom underneath their parent's Royal Pod. All of the Pop villagers were quietly waiting as well for their King and Queen to return with Princess Harmony for their upcoming announcement. This type of silence was unfamiliar to both Prince Aiden and Princess Pip. They didn't know what to do or say to ease the tense environment or to end the awkward silence.

" Where are Mom and Dad?" Aiden whispered calmly.

Aiden was dressed in his everyday clothes,like Pip was in that moment. His outfit consist of an open black button up dress shirt with an open collar. He had no under shirt underneath so everyone could his bare chest and stomach. His sleeves were folded up. He also wore a pair of navy jeans with a belt, a pair of golden star earrings and a golden lucky cross around his neck. His Hug Watch was green while Pippy's one was purple. Pippy didn't look up at her taller brother as she heard him.

" I don't know but,they better come soon..." Pippy whispered nervously.

Then as if on cue; Poppy, Branch and Harmony arrived rushing to make it onto the main mushroom. Poppy and Harmony were the most excited while Branch was happily supporting them. A wave of relief and confusion washed over Aiden and Pippy as they watched the trio make their way closer to the crowd standing tall.

" First of all, I want to thank you all for taking time out of your day to be here. We know that our news may be a bit of shock but, it's one step closer to new era of Pop Village so again. Thankyou. " Poppy thanked excitedly.

Harmony held both of her parents' hands feeling her nervousness kicking in. Her smile remained on her face but, her hands were shaking. Both Branch and Poppy squeezed Harmony's hands to reassure her that everything was going to be okay. It was her time to take and lead Pop Village to their future. It may be happening later than expected but, that didn't matter. The King and Queen were confident in their heir's abilities to be a Leader and believed in their daughter. Harmony let out a deep breath she didn't realize she was holding until now.

" As you know, our heir and first born daughter, Princess Harmony is within age range to be crowned and fill the next important role of her life. Over the years, she had proven herself to be capable and worthy to lead us into a better tomorrow. " King Branch said starting the announcement.

The entire crowd of trolls were hooked on their King's words. They all began to grow excited themselves after hearing their King mention Princess Harmony and Pop Village's future. Pippy and Aiden were shocked as they put one and two together realizing what their father was hinting. They couldn't believe it. The younger Prince and Princess knew that their sister was destined to take the crown soon but,didn't know it would be this soon.

" In a month I, Queen Poppy, will be passing down my crown to Princess Harmony so she could officially take her place as Queen. " Queen Poppy contuined.

The Queen and King lift up their daughter's hands in the air as extra measure to show that they were serious. The trolls erupted into loud and supportive cheering unable to contain their excitement any longer. Some trolls even started chanting " All hail Queen Harmony!" and " Long Live The New Queen!" Harmony let go of her parents hands as they moved a little further away from her sides to give her space. A wave of relief washed over Harmony as she heard her people's support and praise.

The Princess was experiencing mixed emotions of happiness,pride and nervousness. Happy for the fact that village took the news so well and that her parents saw her as ready for the position of Queen. Proud cause she had proven herself worthy. Nervous because, being Queen and being responsible over her home was not only big change but, an huge and serious task. She would be responsible for the lives of many.

The Princess's friends in front row of the crowd were loudest with their support and most excited for her new chapter. Minnie climbed onto Jinx's shoulders and stood on them. Jinx held down her smaller feet completely forgetting that he was wearing white. Minnie clapped loudly as her and Jinx called their friend's name.

" YOU GO, GIRL! YOU WERE ALREADY A QUEEN IN MY BOOK! " Minnie yelled from the top of her lungs.

Jinx and Harmony locked eyes and each gave each other an smile that spoke a thousand appreciated words with the simple nod of the head. For some reason it felt like they were connected and something about Jinx's support out weighted everyone else's in the crowd. Almost like it was on a similar level of value to her parents' support. Harmony's heart skipped a beat in that moment but, she hadn't noticed it since she was so caught up in everything else. Her stomach felt like an million blutterflies had hatched and fluttering within her soul and sparks had ignited in her eyes.

Later that day... The whole Village had been dismissed to carry on with their day but, that was no longer an easy task for the Pop trolls. They were all talking and buzzing with excitement over what was going to happen in one month time. Nobody could stay in one place too long because, they all wanted to talk to everybody else about the same topic too. The day Princess Harmony would be Queen.

The Royal family were still on the mushroom but,this time they had no crowd watching or listening to them. Pippy hugged her taller sister with full force. She was so happy that Harmony was finally going to be Queen. Aiden got pulled into the hug by Pippy too. Being the tallest sibling he wrapped his arms around both of his sisters,laughing and simply enjoying the hug this time. He was just as happy for Harmony as Pippy was but, his excitement levels were more calm than hers.

" THIS IS AMAZING! " Pippy exclaimed.

Branch chuckled adoringly as Poppy took a picture of their kids. She wanted to capture every moment from this point on all the way to Harmony's coronation. Aiden managed to pick up both Pippy and Harmony at once,still maintaining the hug. The Princesses laughed as he held them in the air and brought them back on their feet.

" We Gotta Do Something To Celebrate! " Pippy said breaking the hug.

" I got it! A party. Tonight. By yours truly. " Aiden said withn a plan already in mind.

" That's perfect!" Pippy chimed.

" Hey! Don't forget about us. Who did you think was number one Party Planner before you were all born? " Poppy wayed in happily.

Harmony laughed fondly. She couldn't believe it that she was actually going to be Queen soon. It all felt so surreal. The heir couldn't help but, get lost in her thoughts wondering what was her Queen era going to look or how she was going to rule. Should she follow her parents' example and rule just like they did? Would she have to find a new way to run the village? What was she going to do with a whole group of people who were already corner with their current lifestyle?

Branch patted the future Queen's shoulder unknowingly snapping her into reality. She turned her head to him surprised at first as he smiled at her. The blue troll kissed her forehead before she threw herself into a hug taking her father off guard. He laughed softly hugging her back. He couldn't believe it that his little girl was already so big and going to be Queen either and couldn't be more proud of her.

" C'mon you two. We got a big party to throw! " Poppy called out thrilled.

The pink troll was on the other side of the mushroom stepping off onto the smaller ones. Pippy and Aiden had alreay ran off to start planning taking care of the decorations and invitations. Harmony and Branch hadn't realized that they were the only ones left until now. The area was quiet but, this time it was a peaceful quietness.

" I can't wait to be Queen..." Harmony admited calmly.

" You will be a great one. Just like your mother. " Branch replied lovingly.

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