Chapter 35

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Warning: ⚠️Violence and fighting. You know... Self- defense in general.⚠️

One by one the lights turned back on while the rides were still standing completely still. King Branch and Queen Poppy rushed to the generator room to see that most of the power chords were still pulled out. The troll who was incharge of the generator was duck taped to their chair with their screaming muffled by the tape over their mouth. The terror within their green eyes begged for help. Nobody else was in the room.

" Oh My Cupcakes! " Poppy exclaimed.

Both leaders dashed inside to the poor taped up troll who kept trying to talk to them despite their speech being muffled. Branch pulled out his pocket knife with the knife part flipping out on it's own. Poppy apologized for what she was about to then rippped off the tape. It left behind a pinkish colour around the generator assistant's mouth and painful stink like the Queen had just pulled off a wax strip. The worker panted catching their breath while Branch cut them loose from the chair by slicing the tape from the back of the chair.

" What happened?" Poppy asked concerned.

"Who did this?" Branch added seriously.

" I don't know but, there were too many of them. I didn't even know they were here when I came in for my shift! I swear I don't know!" 

"Them? They?" Branch repeated.

" How many?" Poppy  question.

" Four! I tried to stop them but, they-" The troll breathed heavily. " They overpowered me. They were ruthless, your Grace!"

Then a massive guitar riff louder than Pop Village's loudest,biggiest and craziest parties and louder than thunder storms echoed from the sky above the festival dance. More guitar music joined following the lead of the first but, carried a heavier and harder sound. The banging of drums overlayed the backup guitard intensifying the music. It was unrecognizable to all of Pop trolls. It wasn't Pop music that was sure. All except for Branch, Floyd,John Dory, Harmony,Pip Melody and Aiden. Even Poppy recongized some of it to certain degree but, not as much as her husband. The music was oddly familiar.

Branch ran out the generator mushroom building catching sight of intimidating beetles, whom carrying trolls he could barely see, circling above the dance. Poppy followed after him hoping to find similar answers. Some of the tresspassing and invading trolls flew down with great flare to the beat their drummer was providers while others,mainly guitarists, jumped off their beetles like they had nothing to lose. Panic,gasps and screams of Pop trolls still at the dance traveled towards their King and Queen growing faint by the second.

" What's going on?" Poppy exclaimed worried just reaching Branch.

" Rock trolls..." Branch whispered.

Back at the dance, Princess Pip was trapped in a sack before she could even open her eyes. Pop Trolls scattered away from the stage but, there were Rock trolls amd their beetles blocking their main exits. The Rock music got louder as King Rowan jumped off his intimidating critter welding his powerful electric guitar like a staff. He growled locking eyes with the terrified crowd of mostly common Pop trolls. Unarmed off duty soldiers stood in front of the the civilians doing their best to protect them by acting as troll shields. Rosie looked up from where she was laying on the grass. Her eyes widen watching Pip getting picked up by none other than th Rock King's beetle lifted up high near the tree tops.

" Melody..." Rosie gasped scared.

"PIPPY!!!" Harmony and Aiden exclaimed even louder worried.

Harmony jumped onto the stage while everyone else ran seeking protection from the soliders but,with a snap of King Rowan's fingers four Rockers grabbed her pulling her back. The King of Rock smirked watching the woman fail to fight them all off at once forced down onto her knees. Aiden ripped out a large stick from low hanging tree branch using his hair then silently dashed towards the stages. His hands tighten their grip on the broken limb. Rowan was too busy enjoying watching Harmony fail that he didn't bother to pay attention to what was occurring behind him.

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