Chapter 23

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Rosie and her guide stood at the edge of a log that partly hung over cliff. Fog was all the two tiny beings could see as they both looked down. The Pop troll nervously gripped her backpack straps while the gentle breeze blew through her hair one last time before fading away. The Party Crasher threw a tiny piece of broken stone into the fog but,it made no sound as it disappeared. No sound was heard either when it landed on the hidden ground.

" Are you sure this is the right place?" Rosie asked concerned.

" Yup! Sugar Plum is down there. Nobody really guards her but,once a week she gets a visit from the Rock King's pals. Lucky for us it ain't visiting day. " The Party Crasher confirmed confidently.

He slid his hands into his grey jean pockets still watching the fog. Rosie glupped feeling her fear raise within her soul. The fact that she couldn't see beyond the fog worried her. What if something was hiding down there? What if the Party Crasher was wrong? What if there were still Rock trolls walking around? What if this was a trap? The woman shook her head for a brief moment trying to clear her mind from her negative thoughts and fears.

" How how far down is it actually? Is is it dangerous?" Rosie asked with her voice trembling.

"Oh it's only -..." The Crasher paused then smiled mischievously turning around to face Rosie. " Maybe it would be better if I go down for you? Afterall for a troll like you,going into a prison might be too scary. I'll just take -"

After his pause his voice had became suspiciously gentle and caring. Very different from his mischievous trickster personality that she had faced when the pair had met earlier. Rosie turned her head to her guide with raised an eyebrow and an untrusting blank expression. She eyed his reaching out hand suspicious as it approached her hair. The hair that stored the magic flower petals.

"Don't touch the hair!" Rosie barked slapping his hand away. " Respect my boundary. "

The man was surprised, to say the least, by the female troll's actions. His whole body stiffened as his hands curled with his lower arms brought close to his chest. Like he had forgetten about her display of stress related anger she had shown earlier when he stole from her. He had thought that it was a one time thing and that all Pop trolls were the most polite and niciest to others of all trolls. Too good for their own good but, clearly this one he met wasn't playing around with him.

" Besides I aIready came this far. " Rosie added calmly redirecting her gaze to the fog. " I have to be the one to get the Love Potion. "

" Only cause of my help..." The Party Crasher pointed out.

" And I appreciate it a lot but... How do I know you won't run off with the Rose and Primrose petals? Again... " Rosie placed her hands her hips turning her full body to her guide.

Her manner of speaking was polite but, her words were not as sweet as her politeness. She had no intention in magically forgetting how the stranger scared her, robbed her, ran from her and on purposely made himself disappear from her sight. That first impression wasn't a good foot to stand on trustwise but, Rosie had no choice other than to accept his help earlier. She wanted to complete her mission and return to the Pop lands as soon as possible. Then the Crasher made the most dramatic express of disbelief he could master.

" What? Me? Why would I? Don't you trust me?" The Party Crasher exclaimed like he had been betrayed.

His bad performance did nothing to change the Pop troll's mind. She just folded her arms protectively with her blank stare never leaving. It was like Rosie had heard his play a million times before,despite them only meeting for the first time earlier that day.

The man sensing that his "I would never" card was not working, he dramatically stabbed his heart with an imaginary knife. His head tilted to the side as the back of his free hand was brought to his forehead. His eyes became somewhat sadder but, not convincing enough for Rosie to feel sorry for him.

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