Chapter 28

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" Forget The Damn Pop Troll! FIND ME SUGAR PLUM!" Rowan roared.

The angry King's voice could be heard throughout the entire castle. The Rockers ran and slid out of the castle getting back out to the forest to contuine their person hunt down,except this time with an escaped jailbird. Roxy hopped on her critterbike and drove off at full speed forgetting to wait for Vang.  Vang stood there coughing as he was covered by a cloud of dust.

" ROXY! WAIT FOR ME!" Vang yelled.

He dashed right after Roxy following the dust cloud trail she was leaving behind. The other Rockers followed Roxy's example but, not all of them went for a critterbike. Instead some of them formed a group and jumped on board into a Zipperback with enchanted staff with very similar ball of threat to Sugar Plum's tiny prison cell or they had their powerful guitars. The trolls on critterbikes spread out racing through the city.

Back inside the castle throne room, Rowan was pacing back and forth wielding his electronic guitar like a sword. His grip tighten on the neck of the instrument while his teeth grinded against each other. Caroline could practically see the invisible smoke coming out from Rowan's pointy ears. His eyes glared at nothing in particular with burning fire of rage behind them.

Caroline sat on the steps of staired platform of her older brother's throne. Her hands rested on her lap while her foot began to subtly bounce. She wasn't scared of him like the others but, she was however concerned.  The thought of Sugar Plum being free and playing with her Love potion brought back brief painful memories that the princess just shrugged shaking her head. She didn't want to even think about what happened last time they let Sugar Plum get involved with them.

" Row wing..." Caroline said calmly.

" Don't call me that! It's fucking annoying enough that Mom still does it. " Rowan snapped unintentionally letting out frustration.

" I know your upset about Sugar Plum and I am too but, stop being a dick! You yelling at me over a old nickname isn't gonna help with anything. " Caroline growled.

" Then make yourself useful,Princess. Where's your sword?" Rowan suggested frustrated.

" Really? Using my title as an insult? Can you be more imaginative?" Caroline said blankly.

" Oh shut up. I don't have time for this. "

" Fine. I'll grab my sword but, I'm not facing that damn Trairy alone. I don't care that your King. Your coming with me, Row wing, whether you like it or not. "

" Your annoying pain in the ass. " Rowan said calmly.

" So are you but, I managed to love you anyway. " Caroline fired back.

" Let's just get this over with and kick Sugar Plum back to where she belongs... " Rowan growled.

The King placed his guitar trap on his shoulder that went down across near his left hip. The musical weapon rested against his back. He calmly stormed off out of the throne room leaving his younger sister all by herself. Caroline sighed running her fingers through dark blue mane. She stood up pulling her cropped hoodie down a bit and dusted it off. Her eyes were filled with tiredness despite being wide awake.

" Okay, Caroline. You can do this... She's just a winged troll that can make potions out of flowers. She can't hold up in a fight. She was easy to capture the first time."

Caroline removed her fingers from her messy locks of hair. Her gaze moved from the floor to the same direction Rowan had left in. Both doors of the entrance were wide open. She walked out into and through the halls while the sound of Rowan's critterbike engine roared louder than it should. The Princess grabbed the long encased sword from her room and strapped it to her back. Just like Rowan did with his guitar.

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