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Tokio Hotel- Monsoon & Flyleaf- All Around Me (word count: 1840 ✰


{5:20 PM}

It's been around 20 minutes since me and elaine left my house. I knew this was going to be a very long trip, me and elaine made a promise to not talk much during the drive unless it was something somewhat important. so really all I did was listen to my thoughts. all I can think about is Bill. I'm so excited to see him tomorrow...

I've loved him, and his music since I was 13. so a good 5 years i would say. "I don't think i can take this no talking shit" Elaine said to me, with her eyes still glued to the road. "Ugh! neither can I, it's like torture." I said. we both agreed we were practically punishing ourselves for no reason.

"Im starvingg!" Elaine whined. "I am too but we should at least wait until 5:35 before we begin the pit stops, I do not want to make it to the hotel at three in the morning then oversleep the next day, realizing i only have 10 minutes to change!" I rant on to elaine. "oh em gee, fine Y/N." I look over to Elaine, thinking maybe some music will take food off our minds.

I reach forward for the aux and connect it to my flip phone before i select Monsoon by Tokio Hotel and start blasting it. I smile widely as Elaine begins to scream out the lyrics while dancing in her seat. I joined her on singing and i feel happy. Like, I am genuinely happy to be with my best friend, preparing to go see my celebrity crush, singing his music at full blast with the wind blowing in my face.


Me and elaine is at a mc donalds drive through. The only thing is the mc donalds was in the middle of NOWHERE. And im sitting here cussing her out for trying to get food at a place so shady. "Ela is you don't pull out of the fucking drive through im going to kill you before the food can" i whisper shout at elaine, desperately trying to get her to leave. "Oh my fucking god Y/N shut up! we are not going to die. its just a normal McDonalds.... i think."

Elaine was genuinely going to get us killed, but i was not about to let her. "Elaine Jamison if you dont pull out of this fucking drive-through right now im going to kill you. If i die before i get to see Bill I'm going to fight you in the afterlife, i am so serious right now. Elaine rolls her eyes before looking around and getting a little skeptical herself. "Okay fine. but you're paying for me next time we go to mc donalds" Elaine says as she pulls out of the drive-through, setting us back on our journey

"I'm so disappointed right now" Elaine whines. "Then pull over, ill drive because im not about to have your disappointed ass crash the car. Elaine rolled her eyes again before pulling over to the side of the road and getting out and crawling into the back seat instead of the front. I hopped into the driver's seat and put my seatbelt on before looking back at Elaine. "What?? i need a nap. wake me up around 7:30 so we can switch again."

Elaine says before laying down and putting a blanket over herself and putting her headphones in. I smiled to myself knowing i finally have control over what i listened to. I begin to play all around me by flyleaf and pulling back into the road. i somehow get a little lost in my thoughts again as my mind wanders to Bill for the thousandth time today. I wonder how the concert will go, either way it doesn't matter as long as i see him.

{8:00 PM}

Elaine is still asleep in the backseat. It's been a good hour and a half. I loved seeing all the city lights but right now I'm bored because I'm on the free way and it's pretty dark. Its almost sort of creepy because I can't see anything from the sides of the road but blackness. All i have is the road to watch. I didn't like driving in the dark because of this. it just bugged me for some reason.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒐𝒚 𝒊𝒔 𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒆. (𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝑲𝒂𝒖𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒛)Where stories live. Discover now