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✰no song :( (word count: 1761)✰
{10:36 pm}

"Get thee fuck up biatches!" Tom screams, immediately jolting me awake. "Tom, I'm gonna kill you when I gain total consciousness." I groan and slowly rise from my previous sleeping position.

"You won't be so mad at me after I get everyone Dennys!" Tom says proudly and I immediately drop my attitude. "Okay, I'll let it slide this time!" I hop up and give Tom a bone-crushing hug, on purpose of course.

"Huh, so food is the only way to get you to wake up happy, noted." Bill says with a snobby smirk on my face. I roll my eyes at him and I walk to the bathroom to quickly tidy up my hair in a mirror.

"Okay guys, let's go already I'm starving!" Tom whines. Everyone is quick to leave the bus and enter the Dennys. An employee grabs 6 Menu's and walks us over to one of those big booths.

As soon as we sit down Tom was already drooling at the menu, like actual drool in the corner of his mouth type shit. "Ew Tom, your drooling.." I groan and look away.

Tom quickly snaps out of it and wipes the drool from his mouth before sticking the middle finger at me. "So, when does y'all's flight leave anyway?" I ask the whole group. "Around 5 am." The manager says.

"Oh okay, wait, I Never did catch your name." I tell the manager. (Guys I have the memory of a fish and couldn't remember If I gave him a name in a previous chapter or not 😔) "Oh, it's Mark" He replies simply.

I nod my head and look towards the window next to me, once again, all my thoughts come rushing in like a landslide, all the thoughts of them forgetting me, all the memories I made, the friends I lost, losing him... Everything I loved is right here and I'm hours away from losing it all...

{Bills POV!}

I can't believe in about 6 hours, I'm going to lose the one girl who has loved me like no other. I met her just a week ago, and it was all just love at first sight. I really don't want to lose her, who knows when or if i will ever find anyone even close to her.

I'm not the one to overthink, but just by her energy, I can tell she was deep in thought too, and that was enough energy for me to start doing it too. At least, that was before a bright idea popped into my head. I tap Tom's knee and he looks over to me and I nod my head towards the bathroom.

Since me and him were on one of the ends, we were easily able to just get up and head to the bathroom without the hassle of having 3 people get up. I practically Speed Walk until i reach the door and I quickly pull Tom into the tiny room.

"What's up, your kind of freaking me out" Tom asks me with a concerned look on his face. "Tom, I can't lose her. I'm genuinely in love with her and I just physically and mentally cannot leave her behind." I rant to Tom.

I rub my temples out of stress and I sigh. "I do have an idea but there's a 50 out of a 100% chance that Mark would let it fly." I debrief. Tom nods his head, leaving me to do most of the talking.

"It's going to take a lot of convincing but we can probably just ask him, instead of dropping her off, we can just check flights and see if it's a full flight or not if it's not full, I will pay for her ticket just to bring her with us back to Germany and I'll take care of her myself." I explain to Tom.

"I see what you're saying. I think that could work. Maybe tell Mark that when we get to Las Vegas, she can just take 30 minutes to pack up and we'll all go to the airport together." Tom suggests. "Genius, let's go ask him now before it's too late." I say before walking out of the bathroom and back to the table

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒐𝒚 𝒊𝒔 𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒆. (𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝑲𝒂𝒖𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒛)Where stories live. Discover now