Chapter 8

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Me: This happened before I met Loki

You walked towards a certain someone's locker. It was valentines Day, so the whole school was decked out in red, pinks, and a bunch of hearts thrown randomly around. There were also a bunch of students talking about the school dance that was coming up because of the said holiday, and funny enough that's why you were trying to find the brown haired boy, you've always had eyes for him and only him since you met in the run down playground and you haven't let him go since. But considering the reputation gay people got you couldn't really tell anyone in fear they would out you to the whole school or worse, so you always kept it to your self always telling people that you already had someone in mind and that you were too busy/scared to tell them in case of rejection. Finally, finding the boy you're about to walk up to him before you finally noticed a girl, slightly smaller in height, talking to him about something with a blush on her face. Wanting to genuinely see how it turns out you stayed behind slightly and watched the conversation until she tried to kiss him, to which he promptly shoved her off and scoffed at before turning around and seeing your figure just standing there with a natural expression. Lighting up, he happily runs up to you and you two start talking about anything that came to mind, what you two were going to do after school, if the other had any plans for today, so on and so forth. After you guys walked for a while, you finally made it to your secret hideout (otherwise known as your room) and jumped on the bed.
"Y/n I think I like someone," Michael states while looking up at your poster covered ceiling before turning on his side to look at you, "Oh? You? Have a crush? The Michael Afton?" You joked lighty while getting another shirt from your closet "oh cut the shit y/n you're acting like I'm incapable of feeling stuff more than anger or something" "well whenever I try to give you hugs or any positive affections you always push me away so how am I supposed to know? " You put your shirt on and turned around with your hands on your hips. "W-Well, I just do that because you smell," Michael stammers nervously while rolling over again. "I do not smell! For your information I shower every two days! " You lay down on the opposite side of him pouting, "Well, that's not enough stinky! You need to cut it down to every day! " he giggled out before staring at you again. Shaking your head you put a hand in his hair before moving it down to his face and the lips, "you know that's not very heterosexual of you y/n" he laughed out but refused to move his head "oh shut up you allowing me to do this isn't very heterosexual of you either" you said before bringing his lips onto yours for a sweet little kiss before pulling away again 'what happened to not telling him' you thought before you were pulled out of them into a second kiss, just as sweet but with more love this time. Pulling away, you look at him lovingly once more before putting your head on his chest. "Are you comfortable there y/n?" He said teasingly before starting to caress his fingers through your hair, a very muffled "yes" came from your mouth before you were smacked across the head with a smirking Michael looking at you once more. "Hey! No need to hit me! " You whined out while rubbing your head "oh stop whining, you big baby. " Michael kissed your forehead once more before putting your face in his chest again and closing his eyes. Wrapping your arms around his waist, you give a very muffled "I love you" before burying your head even further into his chest. "I love you too y/n more than you can imagine." Michael, I'm assuming you meant me when you were talking about who you liked? " laughing out loud once again Michael pulls on your face "of course I meant you you dumbass I wouldn't have kissed you if I haven't" laughing quietly you lay down again "Michael I have one more question" "it better not be a stupid one" burying your head into his chest once more you ask the question. "What was that y/n? I couldn't understand you. " Looking at him with a red face, you ask again, "Will you be my date to the dance? " Staring at you, Michael stays quiet for a minute before hugging you closely and kissing your forehead."Of course I will, you idiot who else would I go with? " Bring your head up one more time. You kiss him again before pulling away and smiling at him."I love you, Michael. " Laughing Michael says , "I love you too love, " before finally falling asleep

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