Chapter 9 part 1

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Me: This happened two months later

It was time for Michael to start his shift, and he had mixed feelings about coming in to work as there would be a new employee. He always hated training them, they ask wayyy to many questions. He put his uniform on and made sure his hair looked at least close to decent, he wasn't trying to impress anybody. He got into his car and headed to work. As soon as he got there he felt chilly, he felt like a dumbass forgetting his sweater. Oh well, what are ya gonna do.

He goes to unlock the door, but sees that someone had already unlocked it. Maybe the new worker? They could be here early. Good start buddy, he thought. He steps inside and looks around, it seems a lot cleaner, they must've cleaned up the place. Nice one new guy, guy? He felt a little excited, he's always known he was gay, it would be cool if he met another queer man. His thoughts are interrupted when a man, a very, very TALL man enters the room. He's singing along to.. maneskin? NICE! My favourite band He thinks.

Michael almost blushes, the man is very pretty, he's got dark curly hair that brings out his freckles, his eyebrows and septum are pierced, and is he wearing.. eyeliner? Fuck he's hot. He almost looks like a vampire- Oh shit he's looking at me, think fast Mike!


"Haha, sorry?"

"OH SORRY, I uhm I'm Michael!" He goes to shake the other mans hand, and damn were they big, did- did he have a thing for hands? Or just HIM??

"No worries, I'm Parris!" Michael blushes, his voice was angelic. Everything about him was hot, Michael could tell Parris was strong just by a handshake.

"Soooo... I didn't know where to start so I cleaned up a little, I hope that was okay."

"Yes! Thank you that saves me a ton of time!"

"Oh good good," He stares at Michael then starts giggling. Giggling.

"W-What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing, nothing.." Parris looks straight into Mikes eyes. "You're red as fuck, almost glowing in the dark my guy" He says with a smirk.


"OH SORRY I just uh, you just-"

"It's okay I'm just messing with you," He says with a wink and playfully shoves Michael.

OH my Gods I am not washing this shirt again- wait, what am I, a teenage girl now???

"Oh ahaha, anyways- Let me show you around!"

"Okeydoke!" Parris puts his hands in his pockets and follows Mike, Michael is almost intimidated by his height. It's kind of hot- shhh bad Mike.

"So this is our office! We share a desk I hope that's okay.."

"Of course! You seem like a pretty chill guy, you're also cute as fuck" He winks again.

Shit if he keeps this up I'm gonna explode- literally.

"Oh thank you- I think you're uh, really really good.. looking."

"Thanks babe,"

Michael is stunned, gods he is perfect, the way he speaks, moves, BREATHES.

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