Chapter 15

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Me: Hey what's that on the screen

That morning, Deku had woken up and brushed his teeth, just like normal. He'd put on his uniform, normal. Breakfast with his friends had been normal. Sitting in homeroom while Bakugou yelled and Kaminari laughed had been normal. He had every reason to expect it would be a perfectly normal school day.

He was wrong.

"We're doing what?" Iida incredulously asks his paper as he's introducing homeroom. He clears his throat, blinking rapidly. "Uh-- today, we will be doing--" his voice cracks. "Sexual education."

The oddest array of anxious groans and whoops of laughter immediately overtake the room. Deku swallows. This is going to be one hell of a trip.

It's only a few minutes later All Might and Present Mic enter the room, carrying boxes in their hands. Deku feels his stomach drop. He absolutely cannot have All Might here for this. He's just praying the man isn't the one presenting. Luckily, Present Mic is the one who steps up to the podium. Aizawa sits in the back, surveying the scene.

"Hello, boys and girls, and good morning!" Present Mic says, bright as can be. "Today we will be learning about the human reproductive system, safe sex, and consent! Who's ready?"

His enthusiasm is downright overpowering. The class sits in silence for a moment, unsure. Present Mic coughs.

"Okay. Let's just start with the diagrams. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me." The man pulls out a laminated paper, holding it up to the class. Deku feels himself go red. Iida makes a strangled noise from his seat.

"Who can tell me what this is?" Present Mic asks. Sero raises his hand. "Yes?"

"A vagina!" Sero says proudly.

Deku's face is so hot he thinks it could rival Todoroki's left side.

"Close!" Present Mic exclaims. Deku sees Ochako hiding laughter behind her hands. "This is a vulva. The vagina is the internal structure."

Things seem to only go down hill from there, Sero and Kaminari giggling all through the explanation of the clitoris while Jirou tries to add her own input, until Mineta makes an inappropriate comment about the hymen, and gets removed for the rest of class.

Present Mic clears his throat. "Now, kids, there's some stigma surrounding the word 'vagina,' so I'd like us all to say it out loud. Say it with me. VAGINA!"

Most of the class lets out embarrassed mumbles, except for Mina, who screams at the top of her lungs. Present Mic's own voice booms through the classroom, and is no doubt heard from several rooms over.

Deku looks over to see All Might hiding a burning red face behind his hands. At least he isn't the only one who's embarrassed. The minutes pass all too slowly.

They've switched to a new diagram; Present Mic asks again if anybody knows what he's pointing at.

"That's the thing babies grow in," Bakugou says, voice hoarse. "The uvula."

The room goes silent. Not a single student seems to dare to want to correct the young man. An eternity passes in mere seconds.

"Uh, close," Present Mic coughs. "It's the, uh, uterus."

"I fuckin' knew that--"

Aizawa speaks up from the back. "No cursing in class, Bakugou."

Deku is starting to wonder if he could fake an illness.

"Now, inside the testes; there are these uh; tube things--" Present Mic says, looking confused.

Todoroki raises his hand.

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