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     Late one misty night in 2008, a heavily armored van tore through the dark, silent streets of New York City, disturbing the peaceful neighborhood road of Manhattan and heading to an unknown destination just not too far away. Inside, black armored soldiers of the Techno Cosmic Research Institute or T.C.R.I for short, listened to instructions from their leader, a tall, muscular man whose nickname was Spider. Just by looking at his gruff face, anyone could tell that he expected instant obedience from his troops.

"Listen up!" Spider barked, sternly. "I'm gonna make this simple. We're going after Doctor Baxter Stockman. He was T.C.R.I's lead genetic scientist, but he went rogue, stole billions of dollars' worth of research and created an actual mutant specimen. He's holed up in a makeshift lab of an abandoned building."

The soldiers exchanged nervous glances to each other. This was the first time they'd heard about going after a mutant creature that wasn't human, but a monster. What might this strange mutant be capable of?

Spider scanned the soldiers' faces sternly, hoping that this information would give them confidence as he held the poster of Baxter Stockman. But they still looked anxious since it was their first time working at T.C.R.I, a few not so nervous but determined. Some of them were even sweating, though it wasn't a hot night. Spider needed them, pumped up and ready for action.

"Each of you has been issued a high-powered anti-mutant neutralizer," he continued, holding up a blaster. "Whatever Stockman's made, this can unmake it." He looked over at a TV with a video feed on the left, figuring a pep talk from the boss might help. "Okay, the head of T.C.R.I herself, Doctor Cynthia Utrom will be quarterbacking from HQ and has a few words. Anything to add, Cynthia?"

Dr. Utrom, an evil woman with blue gray hair, pink glasses and a light brown business suit appeared on the green shadowed screen, looking cold, ruthless and menacing. Anyone could tell that she is a heartless person who doesn't care about the world or humanity. She just wanted to make a strong, powerful army and everything for world domination, including becoming a powerful overlord and leading the apocalypse future. "This mission is of the utmost importance," she snarled in her thick, snotty German accent. "Failure will be frowned upon. Bring me Stockman's mutant, and whatever he used to make it."

"You heard her, boys. Lock and load."

The soldiers exchanged glances, setting their weapons in hand. So not only was there a mutant, but they were supposed to bring it in and experiment with it? What kind of wild mission was this, anyway?

In the basement of an abandoned old building, exposed pipes dripped rusty water into foul puddles as rotten old wood creaked from underneath and above while lights flicker off and on. The sound within the basement is eerie and no one hasn't used it for years as if someone left it to rot, nothing to take care of it. Well, there is one person who is living below the flat of the building. Ignoring his shabby surroundings, Dr. Baxter Stockman placed a few bottles and jars on a table. He begins to mix some chemicals feverishly with purple powder, some water, some purple liquid and animal DNA from blood samples to make a vial of bubbling green ooze. Once he mixed them in his chemistry set, the liquid turned a brilliant glowing green. Two red eyes from a distance watched as he lifted up the vial, the ooze shining brightly like lights of a firefly.

"I've done it, little one!" the proud brilliant genius cried triumphantly. "I've perfected my ooze! Are you excited for Daddy?"

He looked down toward the floor. There, in an old playpen, sat a small human baby, but not like any other he has ever seen. He can hear the sound of a fly buzzing as he walks closer to it, coming from the small child. He had grown very used to taking care of the creature and had come prepared for this. The dim light only shines on the outline, what color the skin is, what its eyes look like, what mutant would be. Its red glowing eyes looked in amazement as the sound of its wings fluttered like a bug trying to flap its wings. Buzzing happily, it ate sugar from a large sack. Stockman took off his white lab coat and bent down to lovingly wrap it around the baby creature.

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