Chp 14: "Construction raid"

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Currently we see Sam in bed while still wearing his suit, Sam had gotten home late last night as his mother knocked on the door

Julie: Sam, are you awake?, Can I come in?

Sam opens his eyes as he looks to see he was still in his suit as he starts to freak out

Sam: no...

Sam said as he tries to get his suit off but he struggled as he was climbing on the wall while trying to get it off

Sam: j-just give me a sec mom, I'm just getting ready

Julie: well you said you check in at feast today, you need me to drive you?

Sam: no no I can walk it's fine

Sam said as his mom was trying to open the door and Sam lands in his bed an covers his suit with his blankets as Julie saw Sam hiding under his blankets.

Julie: are you okay?

Sam: yeah, I'm just...really naked right now mom

Julie: then get dressed, you sure you dont need me to drive you?

Sam: yes I'm sure, I can walk

Julie: then get dressed, I'll be downstairs

Julie said as she exits the room leaving Sam alone, Sam gets out of bed as he takes his suit off and packs it in his bag, Sam gets dressed as he heads downstairs and eats breakfast and bids his mother farewell as he makes his way over to feast

Currently we see Sam working around in feast as he runs into Peter who aparantly was there since last night

Sam: so you got evicted?

Peter: yeah, I had to stay in Mayes office last night

Sam: oh man I'm sorry, I just wish there was something I could do to help

Peter: dont worry about it Sam, you're already doing something for the people here at feast, that's more than enough for me

Sam smiles as he gets a call from Gwen and answers it

Sam: hey Gwen, what's up?

Gwen: hey, I saw the news last night, and get this Osborne is going to be giving my dad and officer Davis awards this afternoon

Sam: oh sweet, wait isn't Osborne's campaign rally this after...oh, I get what he's doing

Gwen: yeah, but still a pretty cool moment for dad and officer Davis, I'll be there in the afternoon, you wanna join me?

Sam: yeah absolutely, I'll call my mom and she'll join us as well, oh this could be a perfect opportunity for you to meet you know who, I'm sure he agreed to having you on board with investigations

Gwen: nice, can't wait to meet him

Sam hangs up as he looks back at Peter

Sam: hey Pete, did you hear about Osborne awarding captain Stacy and Jeff this afternoon?

Peter: yeah, I just got off the phone with MJ about it, she offed me to join her

Sam: well my friend Gwen I was telling you about offered me to join her as well, this could be the perfect opportunity for you to meet her

Peter: great, let's go on patrol to kill some time while they set up

Sam nods as the two head outside

Currently we see Sam and Peter in thyre suits as they were swinging around the city, that was until they get a call from Jeff

Peter: hey Jeff, congrats to you and captain Stacy on the ceremony today

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