Chp 67: "Familiar face/ New abilities

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The three spiders were swinging throught the city as they were heading to Roxxon labs

Miles: we should call ganke, fill him in

Sam: good idea

The three get ganke into a call as they communicate

Ganke: hey, did you guys find anything in phins shop?

Miles: yeah, and we know why she's doing this, something happened to her brother....something bad

Gwen: her brother was working at roxxon and he was the lead scientist on the nuform project

Sam: and apparently nuform was making him and his team sick

Ganke: Simon Kriegers been telling everyone how safe it is

Sam: he's lying, phin and her brother tried to prevent further development on nuform

Ganke: what happened?

Miles: don't know yet, phin recorded the whole thing on her phone, but then she lost it inside the lab, were on our way to get it

Ganke: listen, I've got y'all's backs, call if you need me

Sam: will do, thanks man

The three make it to the lab as they land Infront of the building

Sam: okay....we can't just walk in the front door, so how could we get in?

They looked around for a bit until miles spotted a vent

Miles: there, I think I just found our way in

Gwen: but it's blocked off with laser thingies

Sam then spotted a generator as he inspected it

Sam: hey guys, I think if we absorb the energy in this thing then the lasers will shut down

Miles: let me do it

Miles walked over to the generator as he started absorbing the power in the generator, the generator shorts out as the lasers shut off, granting them access

Miles: yeah, that should do

Sam: you know miles, I think I got a few ideas on some combos for us in case we go on patrol by ourselves

Miles: fill me in when we get home

Sam nodded as the three start climbing into the vent and crawl through the ventilation system

Gwen: some Christmas break were experiencing huh guys?

Sam: oh yeah, breaking into a lab full of heavily armed guards, that seems more like a Tuesday night in our case Gwen

Gwen: hehe

Miles: well not in mine, I should be at home, taking naps, playing tons of videogames, and eating like a hundred Christmas cookies

Sam: ooh!, and grabbing a few of those peppermint lates at Starbucks

Gwen: oh my God those are so good!

The three crawl through the ventilation system as they enter through a water system and swing across it, the three then come across a gap as they descend to the bottom, the three had entered the labs underground area as they look around, that was until thyre senses go off and someone lands behind them

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