Be greater, Togehter

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Currently we see the four spiders swinging towards venom as he rages through some cars and jumps towards the spiders as he pushes miles and Gwen back as he grabs Sam and Peter and slams them onto the ground

We cut to see Sam on a rooftop as he looked at his hands and they were shaking

Sam: our future is getting worse by the minute....I don't know if I'm strong enough to save her

We then cut to see Peter with his mask off as he was looking at may and Ben Parker's grave

Peter: the city's being torn apart...I don't know if I can save it

We then cut to see Gwen looking at a picture of her and her dad as she starts to feel down

Gwen: am I really good enough for this city, to be one of its protectors....?

We then cut to see miles sitting in his room as he looked down

Miles: do I have what it takes to protect the ones I love...?

We then cut to see miles and Gwen leaping towards venom as he shoots black tendrils at the two and slams them into a car, Peter then throws a flash bang at venom which mildly harms him, Sam then swings in as he kicks him across the face, Sam and Peter run on the roof of a building as venom chased them and black tendrils were shot at them as they were pushed into a car

Sam: we never gave up...

Peter: never backed down...

Miles: never doubted eacother...

Gwen: and we never will

We cut to see venom rushing towards Sam and Peter as Gwen and miles jumped on venoms back and held him back by webs

Peter and Sam then shot webs at venom as Sam's tendrils and Peters iron arms hold them in place as they kick him into the air

Gwen them scratches venom a few times as she kicks him across the face as Sam leaps towards him and charges energy as he punches him and sends him to the ground, Peter then launches himself towards venom as his iron arms push him into a bus

Miles: this is our power...

Peter: our responsibility...

Gwen: our gifts...

Sam: our wills

The four land near venom as he roars at them

Sam/Gwen: we...

Peter/miles: are...

Sam/Gwen/Peter/miles: spiders!

The four charge at venom as we cut to black...

The four charge at venom as we cut to black

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Coming late October....

MARVEL'S Spider man: The spiders of New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now