Chp 68: "The underground"

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Hours have passed since the spiders snuck in to Roxxon labs with Aaron, the three had formed a plan where miles would convince phin to let him into the underground, once he got thyre location then they would head to his location and hopefully find the nuform, currently Sam, Gwen and ganke were in the guest room at Rios home, since she wasn't home they thought it would be a good time to run tests on Sam and see what was going on with him

Ganke was looking into a microscope as he spectated Sam's DNA, it was already covered in dark matter but it now had red and black glowing energy all over it

Ganke: thats incredible...

Sam: is it, I thought dark matter running through my DNA was already incredible

Ganke: so...from what I'm getting is that when you and miles absorbed the energy from the reactor it gave you new abilities

Gwen: from the same energy that creates nuform though, shouldn't sam be sick right now?

Ganke: that's the other thing, somehow the dark matter in his body boosted his immune system so he can't exactly get sick from any type of disease

Sam: so it wouldn't of mattered if I was exposed to devils breath, it wouldn't have affected me

Ganke: exactly, when you absorbed energy from the reactor it somehow fused with youre DNA, giving you these new powers, I bet if you channel enough energy through your body then you could be strong enough to throw a tank over the chrysler building

Sam: that strong?!, Is it even safe for me to absorb more of these reactors?

Ganke only shrugs as Sam sighs and gets back up as he takes the suction cups attached to him off and puts a shirt on

Sam: thanks ganke

Ganke: anytime man

Sam daps ganke up as Sam leaves the room, Gwen follows him as he sees Sam leaning against an open window as he was looking outside, Gwen approaches him as she leans her head against his shoulder

Gwen: what are you thinking about?

Sam: just....eversince I got bit by that spider....I never thought I could anymore special then I am now

Gwen: isn't that a good thing?, For spider man at least?

Sam: yeah but spider man and I are kind of different people

Sam joked as Gwen chuckles

Gwen: I don't know, you guys seem the same to me

Sam: sure....spider Gwen

Gwen: please don't call me that....

Sam: why?, I think it's cute

Gwen: it's kinda corny Sam

Sam: not to me

The two chuckle as they look at eacother, thyre faces get closer as they lock lips, the two were like that for a few seconds until Sam gets a text on his phone, they separate as Sam pulls out his phone as he saw it was a text from miles

Miles: I'm in, suit up and meet at fisk tower

Sam typed a response in his phone

Sam: on our way

Sam puts his phone away as he looks at Gwen

Sam: let's suit up, were headed to fisk tower

Gwen: is that the undergrounds base?

Sam: I'm pretty sure, let's go

We cut to the two swinging towards fisk tower as they land near a vent, they enter the vent as they crawl through the system and track miles's location, once they exit the ventalation system they found miles in his suit

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