Chp 93: "The Emily may foundation"

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Currently we see Sam webbing up some criminals since he went on patrol this afternoon

Sam: bruh this is like the fifth week I've caught you guys stealing again, do you guys just not learn at all?

Sam said until he gets a call, Sam jumped onto a rooftop to answer it

Sam: hello?

Peter: hey Sam, you busy?

Sam: just got done taking out some thugs for a fifth time

Peter: oof, well I'm calling cus I was wondering if you wanted to join me by checking out this new foundation run by my best friend who just got back from overseas, since you're also a science head at times, who knows could even be good reference for your project

Sam thought about for a sec until he reluctantly agreed

Sam: sure, I'd be down, I'll meet you later

Peter: cool

Sam hung up as he swung away

A few hours later we see Sam in some normal clothes as he spotted Peter hanging out by the wall, Sam runs over to him as they fist bump

Peter: you ready?

Sam: sure

The two of them entered the building as a sweet scent hit thyre nostrils, the place was filled with tech and Greene plants all over

Sam whistles as the two come across a big tree that read "Hawthorne tree in memory of Emily Osborne"

Peter: that's Emily's tree...

The two then spots another sign that read "may blossoms in memory of may Parker"

Sam: wow...

Peter: this is perfect

???: you made it!

The two look to the side to see peters best freind harry Osborne

The two look to the side to see peters best freind harry Osborne

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Peter: I thought you said this was a start up

Harry: yeah, I was hoping for something a little less...this, but my dad was the one who's made all the arrangements

Peter: oh uh Sam, this is my best friend harry, Harry this is Sam, he's one of the kids I told you about and I thought I'd bring him along since he's currently doing a project in college

Sam: it's good to meet you

Harry: you too, welcome to the foundation

Harry says as they shake hands

Norman: Peter Parker!

The three turn around to see Norman Osborne walking down some stairs

Norman: so, what do you think?

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